In sum, on the basis of this study, which includes a large community sample, we have reason to doubt that there are robust gender differences in whether and to what extent they perceive specific emotions to be present in the face.

Men do have less confidence in their own emotional intelligence, including their own ability to perceive emotions on a face, than do women.

However, this lower score does not predict their perception of target emotions, but it is associated with their stronger perception of trails of emotions that were not intended, or even not present. We should keep in mind, however, that the differences that we found were small, and therefore we cannot yet speculate on social implications of these findings.

More research is needed on how men and women exactly differ in their perception of subtle emotion cues. We think it is very important to gain more insight in this process, because in most daily life situations emotional cues are not so clear and straightforward as in experimental research.

In summary, while men are the builders of the world, most guys don't stand a chance against a woman when it comes to social calibrations. Even a woman of average intelligence can read your body language and facial expressions and instantly tell if you're nervous or if you're trying to get something from her. It's inborn.

Everyone on RedPill loves to believe it's all Lifting and Game! Lift, Work On Yourself, and Approach Girls! That's all you gotta do!

The truth is, everyone is looking for that next shiny game tactic, or believes that once they can bench 225 lbs, every girl they approach will be receptive. That's simply not the way it works...

If you ignore the emotional intelligence, social calibrations, and body language, you will get nowhere. You see this a lot in people with Aspergers or Autism. They seemingly do all the right things: high paying career, lift 5X a week, diet in check, approach women, but still get bad results or bottom of the barrel girls because the majority of women are instantly turned off by their shitty social skills.

Everyone on here knows that words are only 7% of human communication. 7%.

55% is body movements, facial expressions, and hand positions. 38% is voice tone, modulation, and pauses. Only 7 motherfucking percent is words, and everyone is looking for lines on what to say to a girl. They have no idea that within 5 seconds of opening your mouth, the girl already knows if you're fuckable or not. Simply through your body language and the way you sound (how loud you talk, how fast you talk, if you sound like a robot or an actual human being).

Social Calibrations also involve reading the girl's facial expressions and reacting accordingly. A lot of guys these days play too many video games and can't read real social cues as easily. The funniest thing is when you show them an emotional intelligence test like this one:

A lot of guys score less than 12, which indicates lack of ability to properly read people's emotions and thus reacting incorrectly when in conversation. People don't just stand there and chat. They give cues on how what you say makes them feel. You can immediately tell if someone is engaged or not but a lot of guys can't and will continue to ramble on and on long after the other party has lost interest, because they have no social awareness.

If you're spending all your time on game or lifting, remember that they are great supplemental skills but the fundamental skill that will get girls attracted to you is being socially calibrated. Focus on the body language, voice tones, and facial expressions. Focus on reacting to how the girl is feeling.