It’s not the man-hating “all men are rapist/murders/stupid” or that they must have everything handed to them because they are women narrative (although they are up there). It’s the fact that they are gaslighting each other.

Think about it, one minute they say it’s all about giving women the confidence to tackle any issue in life (which I see nothing wrong with as long as they don’t make men look stupid to do it which leads back to the first point. Also, “the future is female” should have been a massive red flag that feminism is no longer for equality if it ever was). The next minute, they undercut it to say that they will never succeed because they will be raped/murdered/oppressed by a man anyway by misinterpreting (intentionally or not) statistics to confirm their sexist bias or by feelings alone. That’s honestly fucked up.

I could be interpreting this wrong so feel free to correct me but it seems like all these poor women who are are a part of the feminist movement fail to realize that they are being emotionally abused by the very movement that claims to be protecting them from abuse.