Great lecture. Christina Hoff Sommers talks about how feminists at BROWN, HARVARD etc. are requiring safe spaces that include colouring in books, play dough, cookies, crayons, how feminist LAWYERS need trigger warning for discussing sexual assault or violence cases. And how they are protesting very dramatically against mild speeches. She calls this fainting couch feminism.

She also covers how feminists students at Harvard etc genuinely feel they are in the same class and and share oppression with women around the world who are having acid thrown in their faces or jailed for political opinions (not happen to men too of course in those places)

Now I can only imagine the mental health issues these feminists have. There was data that white SJWs actually have hugely more mental health issues, you can understand why. I think outside of feminism, this feeling of oppression and victimhood is spreading just to ordinary women, some of whom will feel even light resentment to men due to the constant media victimising women are getting.... women are led to believe the are being paid less, they are getting raped and beaten left right and centre in crazy virtually impossible statistics, are doing all all mental load stuff... and then on top of that thinking men dont have periods, pregnancy, pregnancy etc, birth control, coils fitted etc... all this surely must add up to feeling real shit about your self..

Anyway, back to those feminists Harvard students...We are talking about spoiled brats in 100k schools, white kids in American, whose parents are probably lawyers feeling like this, they are just lining themselves up to be medicated by age 30, depressed, eating disorder, suicide but won't actually go through with it etc.. This is a good time for satire from Titiana Mcgrath (check her out antifeminist with 500,000 k followers and best selling books)

I am a radical intersectionalist poet committed to feminism, social justice and armed peaceful protest. I was the only child of two barristers. I learnt early on that my private education and frequent family holidays to Montenegro and the Maldives were merely a ruse by which my parents could distract me from my oppression. When women are valued more than men, then and only then will we have achieved true equality.

I was permanently banned from Twitter for a whole day. This gave me time to reflect on my subjugation as a woman in a patriarchal world and write a book about my oppression. The entire document is a masterpiece unparalleled in the history of the written word. Any male who attempts to review my book will be committing a form of sexual assault.

here’s a simple formula. If it entertains, it’s entertainment. If it offends, it’s hate speech. It’s up to the woke elite to supervise the boundaries. Join us. Take every opportunity to resist the plague of cultural appropriation. Racial boundaries must be strictly policed. Unlike gender, which is totally fluid.

As a millennial icon on the forefront of online activism, I am uniquely placed to guide you through the often bewildering array of concepts that constitute contemporary ‘wokeness’. To put it bluntly, I am a much better person than you.

Social media also leaves an electronic trail, which enables activists like myself to gather evidence to discredit our opponents. For instance, it was recently discovered that James Gunn, director of the Guardians of the Galaxy film series, had tweeted some jokes about paedophilia many years ago. In my humble opinion, joking about paedophilia is even worse than actual paedophilia. Don’t get me wrong; an act of physical molestation is obviously abhorrent, but at least it can’t be retweeted.

Men are trained from birth to disregard the desires of women. Come to think of it, the process is initiated long before that. All males begin their lives within the bodies of their mothers. They are literally inside a woman without her verbal consent. I cannot put this explicitly enough. The very first thing a male does in his life is to rape his own mother.