What people need to realize: Feminism is bad. It's not the saviour of all problems, it's the movement of ignorant people who want to become powerful by playing the victim-card.

Feminism doesn't care for male problems at all. Everytime you mention that men have problems too, you are a mysogyn. A discussion is impossible and only one opinion is the allowed opinion.

But can you really support a system that doesn't care for all people? You can't. You morale doesn't allow it to happen. Why ignore people and only help some people? Or: Why are men less important for Feminist than women?

Fighting for women's rights is fine and good. Like, women being harassed at tech companys is bad. But Feminism isn't even fighting for the good, they are fighting against 'mansplaining' and imaginary 'male privileges'.

Even worse: Feminism is the female equivalent to Patriachism. Instead of fighting for a world where everyone deserves respect, where gender doesn't matter and where people are free, Feminism tries to create a female version of slavery. Only women who are hard-woking bosses are seen as good women. Only women who are egoistic and ignorant are seen as good humans. Even worse: Feminism works against the old system, but benefits from it. Rich men buying young women is bad...until you are the young women. Machos are bad, until they meet one. Men having a lot of money is bad, until they are pregnant and need someone who pays them money.

Feminism truely is a bad movement as it appeals to the lowest instincts of people. It doesn't demand people to live as an intelligent species it could be, but it recommends people to use every faulty trick to gain success, even if everyone around them is suffering.

Feminism truely is bad.