All this bs that people in the wider “manosphere” community tell you to do is done to make their influencers money and likes, women don’t want “hypermasculine men” or some ultra confident hunk, go outside and look at the men with girlfriends, do they all look and act like Christian Grey or Arnold to you?

Or they’ll say you need money, which is bs. High schoolers don’t have jobs, most college students live on student loans and eat food on plastic plates with their ten roommates, yet they hook up all the time

All this stuff they claim women need is false: confidence, charisma and everything else. GO OUTSIDE, the men with gfs aren’t confident or rich or muscular or fit or whatever, most men are talentless meek people, and the average guy not only gets laid in high school but also gets married probably several times

Women’s standards, just like men’s, is low, they are horny just like us and are more similar than anyone wants to admit