Newbies: STFU!
Kids: STFU!
Those that can't piss next to someone at a urinal stand: SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Let the pros speak on this one and have endorsed contributors give the sound advice.

As this is a question that I believe can help many if the right person answers it.
(I don't have the wherewithal to answer but will give my views/what I do.)

My little cousin has found TRP (on his own too) and has been eating it up (currently in anger/try hard douche phase). Seeing the way I carry myself (pretty much all aspects of TRP) he turns to me for a lot of advice. Here is a question that I am rather stumped on.

What to do in a situation where there could potentially be a fight and you're in front of your girl. (Weather it be oneitis, ltr, wife, etc.)

A lot of people think that they will lose frame and lose respect in said woman's eyes if they back down from the confrontation (which can be true and all, in certain aspects... The girl will tingle for aggressors in a sense and this CAN NOT BE HAD FOR US TRUE ALPHA DOGS... RIGHT ;D)

So what is a good way to avoid said confrontation without losing frame and/or hurting your own fragile little ego?

How I handle (which I don't believe is the best approach as it still usually leads to said fight that is trying to be avoided.)

Me personally... I'm a stickler for getting coaxed into fights. I've had my ass whooped and I've whooped plenty of ass over things that should not have been a fight at all. As many point out, which I whole heartily agree - it is never worth it!
Especially if your head connects with the concrete floor (vice versa) or they pull a gun on you or you get arrested and the likes.

As of late... When situations like this arise I treat it like a joke. I inform them that they're a skillful comedian and I will be sure to checkout their comedy show before walking away.
(Satisfies me as I treated them/the situation like a joke and I believe satisfies any woman I might be with.)

If they continue to press - I will continue to walk away and inform them that I don't appreciate they following me and their aggression and that they really need to go their own way.

If they still continue to press and continue to follow/come up to me then it is go time!
(Strike first, strike hard, no mercy sir!)
Or shoot for the leg (protect yourself in case they knee strike) and grapple them straight to the ground, keeping control to do whatever you next please (You'd be an 'Alpha GOD' if you pull a wet willy on them).

So what are some of your ways to just flat our deescalate and satisfy your own head/bravado,
keep in frame with women (they still know/believe you can protect them (why when equality is what they preach is another story but nevertheless)
and in general just stay safe and happy.

TLDR: What to do in a situation where there could potentially be a fight and you're in front of your girl. (Weather it be oneitis, ltr, wife, etc.)
What is a good way to avoid said confrontation without losing frame and/or hurting your own fragile little ego?
Let the pros answer this!