Incels have the crab bucket mentality

Not the usual field report, this one has a little spin. For god knows why, I pretended to be an incel on the IncelsWithoutHate sub for a couple of months. Heck I even started using their lingo and such. I wanted to gauge the room and see the mentalities of men in inceldom and yikes it was crazy. Of course I deleted all posts and comments that I made in that sub just in case.

Number 1: They are anti-self improvement. Anything I wrote there related to self improvement was spammed with “cope” and downvoted into oblivion. There is no excuse with today’s resources for not improving you’re life.

Number 2: Almost every single one of them admitted to be socially awkward. That’s something that’s completely changeable. With a little help, going out and meeting people at clubs or bars and watching some tutorials, you can climb out of that hole.

Number 3: One of the biggest problems was that they are all mostly depressed. They treat life passively and when nothing good happens to them they give up and fall into depression. Without taking action, why would you ever expect results?

Number 4: This is the last and final reason as to why a lot of their users stay incels forever or end up committing suicide: see reddit user named IncelGraveyard. They drag each other down. When I was done with my experiment and made a post exiting the community, I was getting flooded by people spamming cope or saying that I’ll be back next week. When I said no they downvoted me. They don’t want anyone to escape inceldom, they just want people to cope with.