I know there is a RPW christian subreddit, but it feels empty, so I dare to post here.

  • Mission: above all, forming a family, marrying and finishing my career and start working. Then continue to enrich my spirit and that of my boyfriend, raising children of God.

  • 23yo, 160cm, 48kg. I don't lift but I swim and do callisthenics religiously.

  • Reading: not much of the sidebar, since it's mostly for men. However, I did read "For any woman who stumble in here" and I believe I check all of the suggestions. I'm reading a lot of philosophy, essays and the like.

  • Finances: private math teacher, but no formal work, just enough to help with the house bills (economy is destroyed, there are no jobs), currently studying, living with parents, hoping to finish my career and start working so I can begin my family. No debts.

  • Spiritual: I have always read a lot of philosophy. Maturity? I guess very? I can do everything by myself. I pray every night, after meditating (thinking) about my life, what I learned that day, the future and my objectives. I don't share my faith, as no one cares. I am not assured that I would be saved, even though I am a good woman. I follow His teachings, but still, something deep within inside me tells me that I am not worthy of salvation. My scriptures memory is decent, though I definitely need to read more.

I'll try to keep this as short as possible, since I feel desperate and feel like I could write forever. I'll separate my doubts and worries like this:

  • Boyfriend: he is the love of my life and my leader. He is currently studying, has no job (like most men currently), so he cannot support himself (or us, for that matter). Everyone under 28 yo is in the same boat. He is a very good man, the kind that everyone likes to have around. Virtuous, knows just about everything, the kind of man that everyone likes to have around. My family loves him. Everyone loves him, really. He is my teacher and my guide. I would say he is the epitome of what you praise here (obviously not perfect). His only weakness is that he is a very depressive and pessimist person, but he knows how to handle it for the best, plus I am his companion and help him through those times. I feel like I haven't been communicating with him properly. How do I express my concerns and worries to him without being a burden and a weight on him?

  • Marriage: me and my boyfriend (24 yo) have been together for 7 years now. We started dating in high-school at 15 yo. All (literally all) the churches and priests here are what you can expect of your typical heretical, feminist, God-loves-you-for-everything, feel-good, wishful thinking kind. No spirituality, love songs, no teachings. You know the deal. So me and my boyfriend resent it. We want to get married but there is no priest that to us, is a man of God and has authority to marry us. We made an oath between ourselves, with God, saying we would be together forever (and all the other pretty things). It's an engagement. We don't know what to do, and it feels like "marrying" ourselves is more valid than any other option. What to do? We are already engaged and feel like we are married.

  • Sex: I know you will hate me for this. Throughout this year, we started having sex. I convinced him. He jokingly calls me Eve (he takes full responsibility for "succumbing" to my "seduction", he is no saint in this regard). I was feeling really desperate with life in general so I decided to take solace in sex, and I justified myself thinking we will be together forever, we made a promise to God after all, I thought. So after 6 years without sexual intercourse, we started this year. I feel terrible about it, but at the same time, it has really helped me, I feel my boyfriend is closer than ever and that now I would die if he ever was far from me. I pray for forgiveness every day, I ask God for Him to understand me. We are not stopping, and we feel we are actively defying God in that regard. My doubt here is: how to deal with sex if marrying is so difficult? We feel we wont ever get the chance to do so, as I said before, every church is against God (like we are currently, with sex...)

  • Family: I want at least 4 kids. I always felt it was my purpose in life to raise children of God. But until me and my boyfriend finish our studies and are able to get a qualified work as engineers (at 29 yo), it's impossible for us so being a family. Our parents wont support us (understandable, obviously) having kids in their houses, which is common here. A couple is expected to move as a couple AND THEN start a family. Even with widespread unemployment, a destroyed economy, a corrupt government and the impossibility of owning a home. So yeah, we feel desperate. With our current plan, we would be starting our family when I am 30 yo, which feels terrible. I want to be a young mother (not even mentioning the advantages of it), and 30 feels really old and in the limit where it's advisable not to have them. And even if I do, I worry about not being able to have 4 or more kids. I feel desperate. I believe that I can do everything I want if I work for it, but in this sense, it is quite literally impossible. There is no solution to it. We can't even get jobs while studying to at least propose our parents "look let us begin our family, we will take care of every single cost and help with the bills and the food and everything, we just need the roof under us". None of our parents are religious so we don't have their full support from that angle either. I don't know what my doubt here is, other than, what can I do to stop feeling so defeated about it? I work and study very hard, but it wont be enough until 6 years from now :(

  • Economy: my country will have a collapse in some 5 or 10 years. Widespread unemployment (something like 60+ % of people under 23 are unemployed), 50+ % poverty in children below 13yo, a terrible education system which doesn't produce human capital not even by chance, widespread corruption (ambulances are literally used by politicians to traffic drugs, imagine that), hyperinflation (our wages are worth half today of what they were worth at the beginning of the year, and a fourth of what it was worth on October last year). We feel we are condemned to live in, quite literally, a sh*thole. How am I supposed to feel good about raising a family in such dire conditions? We wont be living under hardships, which wouldn't be a problem, as problems can be solved. No, we will be surviving.

  • Society: not only our country is destroyed economically, we import EVERY stupid and destructive liberal ideology, from MeToo, to cancelling, to feminism, to abortion. Everything that you consider terrible in society, we import. Abortion is getting discussed in congress right now, and will probably pass this month. I pray to God against it. As my father says, "we are living in a dead world, with broken wings". I feel like I'm living in a dystopia (after all, IT IS a dystopia). I know my suffering and the condition I live in is not special at all. Humans have been suffering for millennia. It just feels like, with mass media and the internet, things will be a thousand times worth. Kierkegaard was right in the sense that the world will end with a clown warning them, and everyone will applaud, thinking it's all a joke. I feel helpless in this situation, and as a young woman, it's difficult to deal with this. It seems you men have an easier time dealing with this (seems). How can I deal with this suffering. Do I just "enjoy the decline" and keep to myself and family and friends, forming a tight community? That seems like the best course of action...

I've been reading and studying quite a lot during the quarantine, asides from physical exercise and meeting with family and boyfriend. Libido Dominandi, Meditations, Sexual Utopia in Power, some C.S Lewis, Dostoyevsky and Esther Vilar (a personal favourite), some history books about ancient Rome, medieval times and the history of science. I've been studying advanced math and physics, programming, computer science (since I'm studying systems engineering) and electronics. Also I'm giving math classes to high school girls (which at least helps pays the bills to help my parents). I feel like I'm doing quite well in most regards. Still I suffer from a generalised desperation in the subjects mentioned.

Thanks in advance, please correct me if anything is wrong (English is my third language), and don't be afraid of being harsh with me. I probably deserve it. I truly appreciate all the things you do for people here. You really are making change.

If you need more information about me or my life, please ask.