One thing guys struggle with and go back-and-forth with is this apparent contradiction between getting laid a lot, and being a “good” man. Mainstream media/normies tend to focus on the possible negative aspects of getting laid; chasing shallow, temporary highs, using women, having meaningless sex that doesn’t improve your life.

Quite a lot of guys have asked me if getting laid is superficial. It’s something a lot of guys worry about; am I just being shallow by chasing girls? Is this just self-indulgence, hedonism; is this ultimately just a waste of time?

Sure, if you chase a bunch of one night stands, and never improve yourself, and never aim to add to the lives of any of the girls you sleep with, then getting laid would quickly become very shallow, meaningless, and probably pretty depressing. But you’re not here for that shallow shit; you're on TRP because you want to improve yourself, you want to leave girls better than you found them, you want to build a kickass life that isn't shallow or focused on only one goal. You want sex that adds to your life, rather than being the sole-focus.

I wrote this article to help you give yourself permission to get laid. I don’t want you to hold back, or put aside your goal of building an awesome sex life, because you’re worried about this all being shallow or meaningless. And look, I get it – I held back for the longest time because I thought what I was doing was shallow, stupid, a waste of time. I avoided going all-in, I didn’t put in the work I needed to put in, all because I had this deep, dark fear that getting laid might make me a worse (more shallow and vapid) human being.

And it wasn’t just that – I was afraid to go all-in with getting laid, because I hadn’t yet handled my career/finances. I was almost 30 (and about to have a mid-life crisis) because my life wasn’t what I thought it was “supposed” to be. I was poor – massively in debt. I didn’t have a good job, let alone a career. All my mates were making hella $$$, getting promotions at work, and I was just sitting around being a mess. Who the fuck was I to think I had the right to go out and try to get laid, when my finances were a mess and my life wasn’t where it was supposed to be?

Thing is, I couldn’t focus on career. I couldn’t focus on making money. I couldn’t start a business. I couldn’t do much of anything; because I was so caught up in the fact I knew I couldn’t really get laid. I felt like a fucking failure with chicks. It ate away at me, it drove my self-esteem down, it made me feel worthless. I knew even if I had the best career in the world, even if I was making a million dollars a year, I’d feel like a loser if girls didn’t like me and I couldn’t get laid.

I know a bunch of guys who are crushing it with their work – earning $200,000+ a year... yet they’re deeply unhappy. Why? Because they can’t get laid. As they’ve told me, all the money in the world can’t replace knowing you can get laid.

I’m so so glad I made the decision a few years back to put my sex life first. The journey of getting laid has improved my life a billion times over. I’ve been able to fall in love (something I used to be fucking terrified of), have healthy relationships, I’ve been dating my girlfriend for 2 years as of 2020, I’ve mentored a lot of girls and helped them get into self-improvement (some of them have even found TRP and used the info here to hit the gym, lose weight, start their own business).

And once you get to a point where your sex life is handled, when you feel like you can have as much sex as you want with no effort (or you’ve found yourself an awesome girlfriend), you’ll be in a position to move on to crushing the next goal.

I’m a much more confident, more understanding, more patient and happier person than I was before – because I’ve handled my own needs and fixed the thing that was making me the most unhappy: knowing I couldn’t get laid. I used to be bitter and hateful, angry at the world and at women for not sleeping with me; that’s all gone away now.

How else does getting laid improve your life and make you a better man?

- Getting Laid Teaches You to Do Something Hard.

- Getting Laid Boosts your Ego & Gives You Validation.

- Getting Laid Improves Your Looks, Style & Body.

- Getting Laid Gives You Interesting Stories.

- Getting laid Makes You a More Empathetic Person.

- Getting laid Makes You a Sex God.

- Getting Laid Lowers How Much Drama You Put Up With

- Getting Laid Makes you More Confident and Self-Assured.

- Getting Laid Gives You an Abundance Mentality.

- Getting Laid Gives You Freedom (So You Can Move on).

- Getting Laid Allows You to Give Back to the World.

- Getting Laid Means You Won’t Manipulate Women.

- Getting Laid Makes You More Open-minded (You’ll Meet New People).

- Getting Laid Helps You Pick a Better Girlfriend When (If) You Decide to Settle Down.

- Getting Laid Makes You a Better Boyfriend/Partner/Husband.

- Getting Laid Gives you Responsibility.

- Getting Laid Forces you to Work Through Your Insecurities.

I go into detail with each of these points in the full article:

So stop holding back. Decide to prioritize your sex life and get it handled, so you can then move on to the next goal. Too many guys here say, "Sex is shallow! Chasing girls is shallow!" If you can't get laid right now, you NEED to fix that asap.

Go get it.
