No, I'm not asking. I'm just wondering if any of you have seen this sub. /r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen

Just found it. There's some anger phase dudes there, but if you ignore that and check out in particular that screenshots of some dating profiles, it's a pretty good reality check.

Any of you who have a decent guy but are on the fence for some reason or if you struggle with old BP ideas, check it out. It's sad to see, but when you see an overweight 49 year old never married single mother who's let herself go looking for a great guy now she's ready to settle down...well, it's an eye opener.

Obviously I don't mean to say you should stay with an abuser or some guy who never works or cheats, but if you have a good guy with a good career (edit: or a guy getting started but who has a serious work ethic) and are getting hung up on some minor things; or if you still have innate feminist defiance and struggle with getting along, check out that sub.

Edit: in case it wasn't clear, I don't condone harshly judging others, and I can't speak to the women's stories. I'm not condemning those women as people, but I'm reminding myself and others to make good choices.