Women are encouraged to put men 'in their places' because they fear those physically superior and more reckless half of the human race. Every white knight will come out of the woodwork to protect m'lady, mock those evil doers that belch their misogyny and shame those men that dare to declare themselves a victim or complain about some unfair advantage no matter how specific and truthful they are. All women will rally against those [kind] of men, claim they judge both men and women equally and enjoy the greater deception and control that it affords. The masses, or that majority ruling class, is comfortable exposing male failure because men are deemed dangerous and women feel they have a right to be afraid as well as the privilege status as a [believable] victim. Women have everything to gain by pointing out male failures and nothing to lose because those men that support them in those discussions and 'disgust for male behaviors' attempt to draw themselves closer to women and what women value. Those men are deceived to what they think they should support because society and women value women over men, but claim and promote egalitarianism.

Men are left thinking that men and women have equal share in the burden and responsibility of running their households and society, but that has never been farther from the truth than it is today. Women are driven by their feelings and will stew upon them until the specific meaningful change they need to see has been done and the next conditioning task is given. This is their insatiable curse; to see progress in those areas of interest she has. How the man responds to this is multi-dimensional. He must satisfy the court of public opinion and the court of the hamster at the same time all the while the the long arm of justice could fall upon his head at the subtle wince by the woman. He either performs for her or performs in such a way that prevents her from having mental or agreed stronghold over him. Either way, he has to perform or she could at any moment wreck his reputation, so he is a slave to her whims that she is burdened to having for him.

This is why WAATGM is hated...HATED for exposing female mating strategy failures and deception. It attempts to reveal the dangers about certain [kinds] of women to the majority of men that are under the blue pill spell that all women will refuse to acknowledge. This is also why doubleXblowouts and NiceGuys is adored and encouraged because all women need protection from the bad evil creepy incels and other nice guys that might have some trouble courting a woman properly in this free-for-all immoral sluts fest that many women claim they want or at least support.

Women do not take criticism well and benefit from the general desire of men and society to protect and provide for them. Women are also encouraged to challenge men and mock them for failing respectively in their approaches and courting behavior while enjoying a high ground position due to simply having their youth or retaining delusions they have the value their youth provided. All their lives will be rejecting men for whatever reason and rarely going outside of their comfort zone to chasing men because that is the most obvious way she can signal low value. None dare to criticize her or give her practical advice because she doesn't care to change herself at all and those men stand to be mischaracterized or worse face damage to their reputation by her triggered defense mechanisms. She never had to work on herself before and she isn't going to start just because the attractive guys pay less attention to her.

Posting hate veiled as male criticism is deemed a societal duty while posting evidence and observations of women is highly discouraged and categorized as "hate speech". There is no future for the mens right activist because he has already been conquered and overruled by virtue of his having a complaint instead of walking away. He asks "what can society do to create a fair opportunity" as a feeble attempt to start a discussion on commonly understood ground. Women already control the narrative so the discussion is useless in that realm. Many men will attempt to capitulate to society rationalizing that supporting them is essential to keeping it afloat, but it will never happen because society has become corrupted to supporting only women and children as it's beneficiaries and dependents in order to enslave the men. The design of our systems today is to prevent men from having any authority while ensuring that the burden and responsibility rests on their shoulders.

In such a society, a male centric voice of truth and evidence is disseminated on borrowed time. Once the [threat] of male spaces is deemed by the majority as a growing concern, expect civil war between those dependents and those [un]willing slaves. Feminism and its desired political agenda, communism, never works. You can't grant one gender greater privileges and hide this fact with complaints of oppression. The disease is so far widespread that the tree of liberty will crack and fall over if the people don't reseat the base with God-fearing leadership. I urge you to consider the growing fungus of evil working their ways to the very top of that tree. Women don't care about any of that; they just want to have sex with whomever they want, the attractive winners, and control men with it like they always have. Their 'leadership' is based on the chaotic drama that they retain superior social alliances within. What is good for them is all that is good for the group. They are the beneficiaries of all societal concerns and welfare, but they need men to carry the responsibility of that welfare in order to exploit their dual-mating strategy to the fullest. They have sex with alpha who has a harem and reciprocate 'companionship' and duty sex with the beta that is suckered into monogamy. This is why these male places continue to face scrutiny and are the target of finest sjw bloopies a welfare-based society breeds, while those other female places are praised for their bastions of hope and are kept from having to deal with the consequences of chasing and promoting immorality disguised as sexual freedom and feminism.

I hope you have found this piece useful to you, man or woman, as what is good for my group is good for all individuals in my group.