I recently posted on the blue pill about this.

Basically I got into the red pill after hearing about on some worst sub post on askreddit. I was in the early throws of a relationship and applied some red pill ideas to her which seemed to work (nothing violent or abusive) the relationships died a quick death and I spent the last few months blaming her and sinking deeper into red pill ideology. I thought I had learned some secret that society had been hiding from me. I defended the ideology elsewhere on reddit and started to truly believe it was her , just her not me or the both of us, that led to then failure.

Then the doubt started to creep in. I am not an abject failure with the opposite sex and I have many female friends who are open with me to varying degrees. I started to realise that TRP just was not matching my personal experiences. Then last night there was a post there where they asserted all women see themselves as perfect that had oodles of supporting comments.

That killed it for me. The women I've known in my life who truly believe they perfect are a rare breed just like the men I've known. I instantly thought of all the times a friend or a girlfriend had expressed self doubt to me, sometimes crushing.

Then I realised the guys on TRP are not the people I should be listening to and it is a toxic ideology.

Tl;Dr red pill post about how the think all women think they are perfect made me realise how clueless TRP is