
Post re-posted from here.

What we have here is a prime example of the damage that can be caused by years of cock carousel riding, rampant (and unchecked) hypergamy and the secret beneath the "strong, independent woman": feelings of inadequacy.

She is past her cock carousel days, past both her epiphany phases, past her strong woman larping and at this point, she claims that she just wants some guy to build a family with. We all know that this is not true. If it was true, she could grab herself any willing man from the streets and start a family today. We know that she cannot do that, because she is not capable of doing that. Years of cock carouseling has left her tingle box broken. So, while she says she wants out, she does not really want out. She wants to be bailed out.

If she were serious about wanting out, not only would she improve herself, she would seek out opportunities to attain what she wants. Yet, here she is in an online dating app petitioning men to take pity on her. Comedian Patrice O'neal famously put this dilemma as "Women don't want to win, they want a winner". These women do stuff to project themselves as a winner so that they can bag themselves a real winner. That's the essence of "female dating strategy" these days.

In sensible societies, where hypergamy does not run rampant, female dating strategy is far simpler. Women look for desirable qualities that men like, attain those qualities and market themselves to get themselves a suitable man. While beauty still plays a big part in the above stated strategy, this is far superior to the current mess where women do not appeal to men and only appeal to their own ego and their vanity. On that note, I have to clarify that the strategy in sensible societies do not raise from young women themselves. They are taught to overcome their tingles by older women who give a shit about the well-being of these younger women (aka mothers, grand mothers, aunts and women in her own family). This is far different from being "empowered" and following the path the sisterhood has paved for you. Even women who see sense and want to correct their self-destructive behavior (a la Red pill women) are not free of the consequences of their prior self-destructive behavior.

By observing her eyes in these pictures, all of us can see the look of despair, sadness, disappointment and the joyless "self-improvement" she has subjected herself to. This is in stark contrast to the last picture, where she seems to be traveling, seems to be having fun and seems happy to be in the moment. Some people look at that picture and prescribe women to keep doing just that forever and ever. Some people can look at that picture and look at her other pictures and make the obvious conclusion: choices have consequences.


My opinion on RPW can be found here and it has not changed.

Further reading:

On Alpha bucks, epiphany phase and the maturity myth phenomenon.

One vs One and Only.