For example, if all I do is watch Jerry Springer and Maury, I'm going to think all Americans are combative trashy people who never know who fathers their children.

If all I do is observe fuckboys and party skanks, I'm going to think poorly of people as all of them being drunk horny troglodytes with no morals.

The reason these theories and observations of women are typically debunked by surveys and studies is because men observe a small group of women. Particularly, super attractive hyper sexual women. Why? Because you want them. Even though men SAY they don't like sluts, that's a bit of lie, because men are the ones funding the sex industry and OnlyFans.

You never hear men here talk about the nice happy couples in the world. You never hear them talk about happily married men who love their families. You never hear them talk to husbands who can name more things they like about their wife other than her W.A.P. . Lord forbid a man might actually enjoy his wife's company, not just put up with it just because she fucks him!

You never hear guys talk about respectable good men in happy relationships because that's not what those guys want. Too many young men just want groupies, fuckbuddy, and thots to have with them within 2 seconds of being in the same room. These young men want instant gratification, so they only focus on men who can get that instant gratification.