I have only recently been "redpilled" after a decade of identifying as a feminist and leftist. Despite being brainwashed into the sex positive movement, I'm still quite inexperienced when it comes to dating and love, as I've only had a couple of long term relationships and not a lot of short term arrangements.

Three years ago I became pregnant by my boyfriend at 24 years old, he was 34. We felt ready and I was happy to be a mother. He struggled with mental illness and unfortunately took his own life when our son was two months old.

Since that painful time, I have grown a substantial amount. I went back to school and began a decent new career, purchased my own house, and I have worked hard to create a nice home for my son. I just feel now that I am depriving him of a strong, supportive father figure and positive male influence.

My problem is that ideally I would like a traditional man in my life, the type of man who probably wouldn't want to date a single mother and have any part in raising another mans child, even if that man is long gone.

I feel that I do have a lot to offer. I am traditionally feminine, decently attractive, I have proven homemaking skills, I have good relationships with my friends and family, I am well-read and a decent conversationalist and have lots of varied hobbies and interests. My son is sweet and well-behaved, as much as he can be for a toddler! I think I am a good mother.

I'm just not sure if my independence would work for or against me, to be honest. I provide a comfortable living for myself and my son with no support, working full time as an office manager. I don't need to be taken care of, but I would like a partner to lead in my little family.

Is it even possible for someone in my situation to land a traditional man, a true captain?