Long story short, I was cheated on two months ago and that hit me really hard. I admit it has been the worst feeling I've ever had due to the circumstances. I cohabitated with the bitch and we were making many life plans and of course everything is over now.

She begged for a second chance and cried and all the stuff, but I rejected her forever. I changed my phone number and deleted every trace of her in my phone and in my apartment (she returned to her mother's house). The thing is the fact that my life changed suddenly is what makes me feel like shit. I feel like if I'm a failure and I need to reset my life.

Of course my family and my friends say "Not everybody are like that", "There's bad people but there's also good people", "Not because a person have failed you, you have to stop to believe", etc. So I understood that I cannot talk about my future plans with them. I'm full MGTOW now. I'm not sure how much will it take for this feeling to stop, but I want to make a hard reset. I feel disabled to handle hard tasks and duties as a programmer right now, and since nobody will understand my position and my feelings which is something that makes me feel lonely; I want to quit from job and to move to another city or even another country.

The same people say to me that it is too much. It is not necessary to change place or job. But I just want to feel better. I feel very depressed and very disabled to do anything, so taking undefined vacations I guess will help me because I will know new places, things, people, etc. and I have savings for surviving half a year.

Do you think I'm overreacting?