I originally made this thread when I first found TRP: (apparently I can’t link other asktrp threads, but check my top submission)

Our breakup lead me here and a lot of you gave me great advice. Everyday since I’ve been hitting the gym, watching my nutrition, meditating, going for walks, playing chess, reading etc. I even changed my haircut and started working on my style.

It’s been 6 months and people tell me I look really good and different. But, I haven’t as much as been on a date or anything. I tried OLD but I barely get matches.

I’m honestly so fucking lonely. I barely have any friends or anything todo on the weekends. Lately I’ve just been thinking about my ex and how much I miss my old life. This new life is so depressing and lonely.

What do I do bros? I’ve been working so hard but I’m just still so miserable. I was so much happier when I was blue pilled.