Hello AskTRP,

I've got an uncle that's been quite good to me over the years. He is a total beta. Recently he divorced with his now-ex wife, they have two children together.

I was happy to hear that a mate of his took him on a Holiday to Asia to help get him over it - I was under the impression that he'd be getting all that he should have been getting over a few decades in the space of a few weeks, but I was wrong.

He's found an Asian girlfriend (no visa for here), who is a single mum. From what I've heard, they haven't even fucked yet. Not even a week later and he calls her because "she hadn't spoken to him in 12 hours", apparently she "broke her phone", so he sent her 600 bucks just like that.

I know he's just doing it because he is a beta and doesn't know any better (and we need these kind of people in the world to maintain our easy rewarding lifestyle), but he's still family and helped me out when I needed it.

How would I go about slapping some common sense into him? I was thinking about giving him a copy of "The Rational Male", but I'm not sure he'll read it.

I think I already know the answer, but should I just give up now? Or go for it anyway, at least that way I can say I tried and clear any conscience I still have left in me regarding my family.

