All right guys, first off im a dude and a personal trainer, and im giving fitness and nutrition advice to women. This is usually enough to piss women off in other subredits but hopefully you guys wont go Rad Fem on me.

Men are constantly judging women by their fertility and attractiveness. When a woman walks by, a Hetro male is programed to seize her up and figure out if she would make a good mate. The truth is no matter the situation, workplace, the store or the club men are assessing you. Its also a known fact that attractive women have it easier in life, this is something that Redpill complains about with frequency and regularity.

So what can you do to improve your attractiveness to men? This is a question that the media is constantly trying to answer for you: buy skin creams and shampoos and expensive clothing. Skin Hair and Nails are made up of dead cells so its unlikely they can absorb any nutrients from shampoos or creams. The only way to improve these aspects of your body is eat a balanced and nutritious diet, one rich in unsaturated fat. Don't be a vegetarian, there are no hot vegetarians because they have severe nutrient deficiencies.

Fitness is another gimmick. There are tons of shitty people trying to sell you shitty stuff. Also group exercise classes generally suck, because they are about entertaining a large group not getting results.

In my professional experience as a personal trainer the fastest way for a women to get a change in body composition is: heavy weight lifting. The goal for you should be to gain as much muscle as your body natural allows. With every pound gained you will passively burn 35 calories. Ten pounds is a massive 350 calories per day. The more muscle you gain the less you will have to restrict your calories. Also weight lifting improves your posture, cardio fucks it up. Look up Bill Star 5x5.

Finally heavy to moderate drinking makes you ugly. It makes you retain water in your face, fucks up your hormones and metabolism. If you want to be hot don't drink alcohol, its bad for you.

Hopefully this is helpful and nobody is mad.