Okay, I know we usually focus on men here for obvious reasons. But women are important to the world too, and we shouldn’t let this day be totally co-opted by the cult of feminism. So I’m going to make a list of the women who mean a lot to me:

  • The Honey Badgers, particularly Karen, Hannah, the Prim Reaper, and Allison. They all care so much about equality and helping the world be a more equal place.
  • Christina Hoff Summers, who has done a lot to emphasize the problems with the feminist movement.
  • Erin Pizzey, who tried her hardest to bring the issue of female-on-male domestic violence to the forefront.
  • My mom, who has sacrificed so much to raise me. She’s the one who taught me the importance of genuine equality, and why I had no obligation to follow the biased feminist narrative. Though I suspect many feminists would see her as a gender traitor, I think she’s one of the strongest women I’ve ever met.
  • My closest friend. I don’t agree with her on everything, but she’s been there for me through my hardest times and I don’t know how I’d be here right now without her.

Any other people you want to add?