Disclaimer I recommend this book but I am not going to give you all the book in this review. Please read it and support the author.

Hello ladies,

This is the last of my posts on this book. I am really excited about this post because this is the ending of Laura’s book. Her ideas have come from a good place and always with grace and femininity that I can only work hard to try to attain. This post focuses on So Now You’re a Girlfriend…. I think at this point you should have been practicing being feminine, deferring, accepting that which is. Time has gone by and your man has proven time and time again he is trustworthy, reliable, dependable, ::insert synonyms:: and most of all he has fallen for you just as much as you have fallen for him. So really, what do you do now to keep him?

Wait…keep him? Won’t he just stick around because I am a strong independent woman who is amazing and I deserve all the love in the world and he needs to give it to me?


You need to work on your side of the deal. You should always be working on your girl game. You should always be at the top of your game. There are times when we slip. It is how we recover from those slips that define us though. I’m talking about maybe being a little bit too curt with your SO. I’m not talking about slipping falling and landing on someone’s penis. I mean those little things we can do sometimes when life gets the best of us that cause strain over the entirety of the relationship. One snippy comment may not hurt but a snippy comment everyday will definitely put a sour on things. You need to make a commitment to yourself to be working on being a good person to yourself and to your man. Which is really hard work.

Does he know you want to be married yet?

“Marriage is important to me and I see that as being a major part of my future.” That sentence is one that you need to say at some point. Only you are to blame if you are now a girlfriend to a man who doesn’t want to give the ultimate in commitment to anyone. But he might change his mind! But right now we are still in school. But we are still too young to make those decisions. But but but but but….stop the hamster right there. You came into this acknowledging that you want to be married and you want to have that title of wife. The minute a man makes an excuse you need to next the shit outta him. aintnobodygottimefodat.gif That will not change. You will waste your time, youth, beauty on a man who is clearly telling you he doesn’t have that in mind. Be good to yourself before you are good to others. A man can find a wife when he is 20, 30, 40, 50… a woman will have a considerably HARDER time doing that. So as Laura says “Honor your desire to be married”. Maybe he does change his mind, but are you willing to gamble your life away just to figure it out?

While the question may be when to mention this I would say at the most 2 months into the relationship. AT MOST. Notice, you didn’t say that you wanted a ring. You didn’t say you needed to set a date. This is just figuring out that both of you value the commitment that only marriage can provide. This should be one of the major talking points in a conversation with your guy.

Get your read on girl

As with the beginning of this post, I said you need to make sure your girl game is always in tip top shape. That means ensuring that you are remaining feminine and graceful. With that I will say keep reading this /r/. Also read the surrendered wife and aspire to be like that. Something I just recently figured out too is looking at the posts from different RPwomen on here. Start with creeping on the mods and then others who post on here. See what they post and read through it. That is a lot of reading you can do to let all of these ideas sink in. Know what it means to be a wife and what to expect when you get there. Post here and ask questions and realize that you are responsible for you. You want a man and for that to happen you have to be someone worth being with.

First rule of fight club

We teach that speaking about RP Truths to those who haven’t swallowed the pill as something along the lines of beating your head against a brick wall. If you notice in the authors post here the woman who is interviewing her is trying to undermine the message of the book. The top comment said it best “[…]the female looked like she wanted to puke”. In order to be successful, apply the principles of RP to your life and understand that other women around you need to figure it out on their own.

Overall lessons learned from posts

  • Practical means being pragmatic

  • Acknowledge you’re here because you want to find a good man

  • Don’t man bash!

  • Men talk truth. Women talk feels

  • Get rid of the baggage

  • Get rid of the male orbiters in your life

  • Online dating is ok if used correctly

  • Accept a lot of dates and decline with femininity

  • Surrender to fun


  • Keep your legs closed

  • Tell your man you want to be married

  • Stay on top of your girl game

  • Don’t talk about RPW to others who aren’t like-minded

edit: as /u/bsutansalt so kindly pointed out I forgot to link the other posts :) one two three