Yesterday there was a thread in which a woman asked about her partners pornographic viewing habits. In that thread, /u/PhantomDream09 made the following comment:

I think there's just more awareness on the part of females now that their men view [pornographic content]. There have always been whore houses, dirty pictures and magazines - but there wasn't as much material before, and that material wasn't as readily accessible.

Later, she made the following comment (Emphasis has been added by me):

Women don't understand male sexuality, and we're not supposed to. OP does have an issue with his porn viewing - but she's creating the problem all on her own.

This comment is currently at -4, and I'm disappointed by that because she said nothing incorrect, and nothing contrary to RP theory.

I do not want to have another debate whether or not there is a porn epidemic in this country. Some of us believe there is, some believe there isn't. Perhaps we may never know if /u/k_tee 's husband is truly addicted to pornography or not.

However, one thing I would like the women here to understand is why pornography is so powerful. Here is a helpful video from PragerU that I encourage people to watch.

I am certain that most people on this subreddit intuitively understand that men are very visual, but I don't think that many of the women here have truly internalized it. If they did, I don't believe PhantomDream09's comment would have been downvoted, hence why I decided to write this post.

I am not making any statements on whether or not it is right to be outraged at /u/k_tee's husbands pornographic consumption. My opinion is that if you are a married man you should cut down the porn use. Some may disagree. Regardless, I believe it is important to do your best to understand male sexuality and be forgiving of it. After all, once you're in a relationship with a man, attempting to change him will not be a good idea.