TL;DR: My perfect boyfriend had broken up with me, I thought it was because I was neglecting him, so I worked on a self-improvement plan. Turned out that he had some serious family-work issues going on, he had disconnected and he didn't want to hurt me. He asked me back, he's been working on himself. I said yes, but I had definitely neglected him a bit, so I worked on myself and especially our sex life and we've had the happiest weeks since months ago.

I wrote my first post a few weeks ago and I told you that I thought I thought that my boyfriend had broken up with me because I was very busy at work, so didn't have much time for him, wasn't taking too much care of myself, and some stuff like that (not very serious though). It turned out that he was telling the truth (that it wasn't my fault) and that he was having some tough family and work related issues and he lost it for a while, so he contacted me a few days later, asked me to forgive him and promised me to work on his issues in order to have me back. I said yes, and decided anyway to follow my self-improvement-getting-him-back plan: taking more care of him, my appearance, my apartment, managing better my time and doing sweet stuff together.

We're doing awesome, but I think that one of the most important things that have changed our dynamic recently is that I started focusing more on our sex life: he's so much happier, masculine and empowered, which makes me feel like a goddess, and love him so much more!

Before all of this happened, I was kind of cutting down to (not very enthusiastic) sex 2-3 days a week, because I was having low libido, and was always tired from work and other excuses like that. He's got a very high libido and he had started feeling rejected. I can see now that he started acting less manly because of my occasional rejection, and it became a vicious cycle for some months.

I started flirting, touching him casually, and showing him that I desired him deeply (even if I didn't feel like it) for the past a week or two, and he's back at being as masculine and strong and sexually aggresive (in a good way) as he had always been!!! In this very little time I've come to accept and praise his masculine sex desire, and to think that he always wants me anywhere really turns me on!! If not turned on, I still have sex to have bonding time, to give and feel love, and to make him happy. But my libido has definitely improved by switching my perspective on sex and his sexuality.

So please, have sex whenever is possible. It's men's nature. AND if you're suffering from low libido, like I used to, I recommend THIS AWARD WINNING POST and the /deadbedrooms sub, so that you can understand high libido partners, men especially, and how hard is for them to feel that the other partner doesn't desire them as they do! It's really insightful.