I started lifting about 2 months ago. I've been really upset about it because i haven't been gaining as much mass as i thought i should of been.

Since then, i've had random spots of depression during rest days about how weak i am. Then i get up and start lifting like crazy and consuming a few hundred G of protein before going to bed. I did it again to night. Ended up benching 60 pounds for at least 80-90 something reps with small breaks in between.

I think it bothers me because when i see the scale rise, i Automatically assume its fat. I can't see my muscles, so what else could it be?

Im not here to be a power lifter, i just want to run for miles as quick as i can and do as many pull-ups and pushups . I am willing to do anything for this.

I need help. How do i get Mass AND Endurance

How many reps? How much protein? How much cardio? I need a plan

Im 5"9 and 177lbs. Body fat somewhere in the early 20's. 20-25% i'd say. I was told by my recruiter that i was 28% 2 months ago when i weighed in the late 180's. So its gotta be lower now. I have gotten under the weight limit for enlisting, but i am NOT going to be satisfied till i see a see pack.

I have to See the progress. I have to See the performance increase. I just barely hit the 3 mile run requirement i needed in 26 minutes. (2 minutes left to spare).

Not fast enough.

Not strong enough
