In this post I'd like to open up discussion about a flaw I've noticed in Red Pill theory.

It is a well accepted truth that, in the current marketplace, 80% of sex goes to the top 20% of men. This trend is an insult to men as a whole, and in the interest of solidarity, we need to find and promote a system that benefits all men instead of just a few. I'd like to stress that it's mathematically impossible for all men to be in the top 20%.

Red Pill doesn't accomplish this yet. Despite being marketed as a philosophy for the masses, it still forces men to compete within the confines of the injust Pareto principle.

A society that practices​ marriage corrects these injustices by providing a one-to-one mate for every man and woman. But this comes with several well known downsides, and it's unlikely marriage will make a comeback in the West.

So Reddit, are most men really doomed to sexual frustration, OR are there any systems around which the common man can rally to correct this one-sided marketplace?