Long story short, I used to be an Omega-level low-SMV guy (the kind that even teachers and band geeks made laughed at, had nobody show up to his high school graduation party and even his own sister did not want to be seen with him him in public) and I have turned my life around for the better.

In the past four years since I found /r/TheRedPill, I have become more fit than the average person (can pass all military fitness tests), experienced incredible things while traveling abroad, made a group of great friends that respect me and established myself as a professional (am finishing up my first academic paper, graduating with honors in a couple of weeks, and have a dream job lined up for me after graduation and can afford to live next to the beach in another state). I have never been happier in my life.

While most women I newly-meet are impressed by what I have accomplished, the ones that used to know me (including my mother, sister and aunt) before seem downright insulted. I have once eavesdropped on a sorority girl who pegged me as a loser before literally say, "He does not deserve any of that!" referring to me in an upset tone. Another time when I used to work part-time at a food joint, customers would always compliment me on my voice (been told many times that I have a voice for movie trailers or acting) while ignoring my young female coworkers. "Why does he get compliments and not us? That is such bullshit..." Even my own sister bitched at me when she saw me on a coffee date with a decent-SMV girl (i.e., "That is not okay! You need to be more open-minded and tolerant! ").

Why do women dislike it when they see former low-SMV men become successful?