I am writing this because I would like some help in resolving my personal conflicts. My attempts to attract women don't work and this causes a great deal of pain in my life. At the same time I gain a great deal of peace sticking with my morals and know I would hate it if I went against them. Here are the ways I see my morals as conflicted with being able to attract women. I hope to find some advice on how to reconcile them if at all possible.


I try to maximize every relationship with every person I meet. That means putting myself out there and being assertive in terms of expressing myself and seeing who that person is and what they have to offer. I believe everyone has something to offer in some form (though not necessarily something for me) and I gain joy in finding out who people are in general. I also believe everyone needs social validation and friendships so I try to be that person for as many people as I can because it seems to be the kind thing to do.

This conflicts with RP, in my view, because it seems that one needs to purposely and arbitrarily withhold validation and information about oneself in order to be mysterious, challenging and get them to chase you. To me, the entire point of relationships are to share experiences, validation and information. So right there 2 of the 3 reasons I want to enter relationships are cut out. And given that women don't become attracted to me, the experience of sex and intimacy is out so really it's all 3.

Being a challenge:

To me, being a challenge is about opening up to another person and learning to love and trust each other. It's about getting deep into that person, almost like a psychoanalyst would, and getting to know their issues and maybe even helping them with them or at least making them feel like they were heard and that someone cares. This, in my world view, is the most challenging and rewarding aspects of relationships. I also it seeing it leading to the most enjoyable sort of relationship at least emotionally speaking. The sexual part has much to do with different temperaments . I feel that is far more hit or miss. Personally, even though I am a virgin, the kind of things that turn me on at least in terms of porn and sex chats is closer to a dom/sub arrangement with me being the dom. I get very aroused at the idea of extremely rough sex, degrading women verbally, slapping them and the like. Or at least that is what I like to watch after years of porn consumption. I am unsure how much I'd like to do all that in person because I have no experience to go off of. This fight for dominance in the bedroom is what I would view as the analogy to the emotional challenge. However, I view the 2 quite separate. When I am talking to a girl I don't show my sexual side at all because I view it has having no real function; We are talking not having sex. It's more important to see what kind of personalities we have than to flirt. If I were to get sexual this side would come out, but until then I prefer to work on the emotional. In a way, I view sexuality as role playing. It's kind of make pretend personas you put on to satisfy more primal urges. I see it as having no place in more civilized setting especially when you can legitimately hurt someone's feelings because of it. To give a quick example, if I call a girl a nasty bitch in public that's terrible, but if I call her that in bed it will make things hotter if we are sexually compatible.

The conflict I see with RP here is that, it seems that one must act like the sexual animal at all times. There's no room to be a higher headed more civilized man. It's just constantly trying to get the tingles. This bothers me as there's a giant part of relationships being thrown out if that's the focus and it would be to my personal displeasure. In fact, I am not sure why I would want a woman at all aside from her being a sex object.


My philosophy is that the pursuit of power is inevitably evil. Because of that I try to reject any sort of powerful position I can. I embrace meekness to a certain extent as meekness is far less harmful than power.

Women seem to love men with power and seem to get a lot of kicks seeing men exercise it. The conflict here should be obvious.


I dislike the idea of any showing off. I don't want to display that I have friends, have money or can socially dominant a room or anything like that. I want her to want me for my ideas, sentiments and the way I treat her.

Problem here is women seem to be value fiends and are all about status. To me this is highly superficial and it makes me just disgusted.

So there's some stuff I struggle with. I'd appreciate constructive advice.

Edit- I fixed what I meant about power.