Got a girlfriend, she got kicked out of her religious parents house for being with me so I let her move into my place. She makes decent money, buys her own stuff, craves sex + blowjobs whenever I want, gets up an hour early to make me breakfast, let’s me take her car to save gas, goes to the gym and has lost weight and bought new clothes because she knew I’d like it.

But I still find myself wanting other girls. I turn them down when they approach because I’m no cheater but a part of me wishes I could fuck whoever I want when I want. However this gives me the fear what if because of the lifestyle I’ve been living in just always going to crave a new girl? A new toy? A new experience? Forever empty and wanting more?

Sounds dramatic but I don’t want to give this girl up because I know she’s a good one, but damn it’s hard to improve yourself to the point women approach you and to turn them down.