There are many aspects that go into making yourself attractive to women. However, the number one fallacy that PUA gurus have newbies like to believe is that game will get you anywhere, that game is the end of all of anything you'll need to attract women. Is game good? Most definitely, but don't just rely on good game to score 8s and above.

Let's say your out and about in a club, venues like these have a number of women who've dressed their best and are looking to have fun and meet new guys. They will not notice you if you don't stick out from the crowd, a good deal of influence and gaming is required to get their attention if they're not attracted you physically from the get go. However, if they are attracted to you initially, gaming them becomes MUCH EASIER. Seriously, you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll be allowed to escalate and what you can get away with earlier on when they're already physically attracted to you.

From my own personal experiences, (when I've game with a weak body vs. when I've gamed with a built body) aesthetics matter and make a big difference at times. I'm speaking realistically, women will not find you physically attractive from the get go if you have an unappealing body type, unless you have a nice face. Don't have a nice face? Well your shit out of luck.

As for my personal journey. I really caught on to how much more attention I was getting from women who were 7 and above as I gained more muscle mass. Currently right now with the body I worked for I get plenty of attention from 8s and some 9s. Women who were considered lower than me on the looks scale would also become somewhat more intimidated, but women who were equal or higher were giving plenty of IOIs. Getting into bodybuilding has definitely been one of the best decisions I've made in my life.

Having a good body will offer countless of benefits for you.

  1. Improved confidence

  2. You won't get AMOGED. (imagine trying to amog a guy who's gaming a girl, and that guy happens to be much larger than you. Would you really take that risk?)

  3. Having her be physically attracted to you before you even meet makes gaming her much easier, things like escalation can be done at a faster rate. Compared to having to create a big amount of comfort at first if you don't look good. Women will have a higher level of comfort around good looking guys they don't know vs. not good looking guys they don't know. This is why they'll say things like they want a "nice guy" but it will only pertain to nice guys who look attractive, they're comfortable with these preferences because they imagine someone attractive possessing them.

  4. You're given greater room for forgiveness if you fuck up while gaming a girl. Men who are deemed unattractive have to be more calibrated while gaming girls as they can easily be rejected if they make mistakes, good looking men should still be calibrated but can get away with more mistakes.

  5. Sometimes you will actually get approached by women because of your body and it does have a major boost on ego to be complimented on your arms, chest, or abs.

  6. A good body does actually improve your face, it can help make your face look more defined, specifically your jawline.

  7. In a setting where people are unfamiliar with others (clubs, bars) having an impressive body gives you a preconceived higher status compared to other men at the bar. I remember reading an article of an analysis of a documentary studying "alpha males" and that in a group of men who were introduced to others, the man with the biggest body was quickly presumed to be a good candidate for the alpha of the group (other factors came into play like his confidence and extroversion, but his body did have a lot to do with it as well).

  8. Working out release endorphins in your brain that will improve your mood and attitude, and who doesn't like being happy? What excuse do you have to not start working out?

If you want to give yourself a huge advantage in your sexual market value, then I highly consider body building. Even if you are healthy and can do things like run marathons, the sad truth is women pay attention to how you look aesthetically, not your physical prowess. Which is why they'll pay more attention to people with a bodybuilder physique than with people with a long distance runner physique. No hate to those people who run a lot, it definitely takes a lot of work and is physically demanding, but in terms of physical appeal, it is what it is.

If you're looking into getting into body building. Check the following:

the bodybuilding subreddit and the gainit subreddit

For motivation: check the brogress subreddit

(would put links but they're currently disabled)

On a side note, nothing is wrong with trying to improve a physical aspect of yourself if you feel it holds back on how attractive you are. Get your eye brows threaded if you have to, get some moisturizer and proper washing gels to improve the tone of your skin, search for haircuts that fit specific face types on google and get a hair cut that fits your face type. All of this can improve her attraction towards you. Women work hard to improve their physical appearance, you should work hard to improve your own as well