21M I'm new to here, so if this post is unusual then that's why. As TLDR backstory I'm single... have been... forever. So that's the story and I know its out of the norm for here, but just let me ask a few questions. I won't go into the whole long details describing myself extensively but yes I'm working on making myself the best I can. So the idea of "you don't even shower, your hygiene sucks, you have no clothing style, you are fat and lazy, you have no hobbies, etc. is just wrong....

So my question: Are the women that approach you a good indicator of how attractive you are?

Like I said, I'm single and this happens practically never. Girls don't flirt with me or approach me. Girls hardly approach in the first place too, but anyway. In my "5-6 year dating life," I've had 3 girls actually flirt with me, or show interest. Whether they tell me they like me, ask for my number, verbally flirt and physically too. And every single one of them was... fat. Apparently we now live in a world where acknowledging that's misogyny or some sexism or toxic masculinity. As a college student, I wouldn't dare talk about this not-anonymously because of those reasons.

well if fat girls are approaching you then maybe that's your league? is what I'm thinking now. I haven't had a relationship so I thought "maybe its my fault because I'm turning down the only ones actually interested"

To test this, I tried Tinder, and I got no matches, even the "swipe on everyone" method. until it warranted some girls, but they were also... fat

I am just conflated because I'm not turning down them due to 'ugliness' or 'beauty' or 'attractiveness' which I view as more of facial features and what not. But me personally (yeah here comes the part where I'm a 'toxic male' i guess), I just am not attracted to fatter girls. I'M NOT FAT. that's why. Of the things I do to make myself the best I can be, one has been hitting the gym. I squat/deadlift/bench/etc and I track every bit of progress and count calories, and I always thought that it was reasonable to want someone that was similar health-wise as me. No I don't have a sixpack, I'm not jacked, my lifts are still small, but I'm making great progress, and I just always assumed it was okay to look for a SO that wasn't twice my weight. Technically on the BMI scale these girls are... obese. Furthermore, its a lifestyle too in addition to attractiveness.

Now let me clarify, because I've gotten hated comments, I'm not saying "OH THESE FUCKING FAT BITCHES" no, two were actually really good friends, but I just... wasn't attracted to them.

So Today I ended up realizing "maybe they weren't attractive to me because my standards are too high and those girls ARE my league and I'm ignoring what I have available and will only have available"


So, I wanted to post here because of several reasons. I went looking for some advice in other subs and Redditors went into my history to find that I voted for President Trump. And I was told pretty much that this may very well be what is keeping women away from me and that I shouldn't publicly say I like "a man that is a known misogynist because most women don't like him"

Basically, this told me that if I were to ask this question there I would be banned likely. I hear of "The Red Pill" and understand its based more on the truth rather than 'being nice and feeling good' so i knew I wouldn't be taken as a toxic male. On College Campus I have to watch everything I say.

and it may be the wakeup call i need to hear "yeah take the fucking red pill, THATS your league, and you are turning down the only girls that you can get"