The idea that all men possess a predilection for rape - that it comes from a cis male gendered privilege identity that regards women as lacking human importance worthy of respect and empathy - fucking pissed me off when I first read it.

It was if to say we are all infantile troglodytes, carrying a recessive social instinct for brutish unthinking violence, that can flip from potential to kinetic at even the slightest lifting of societal constraint.

It is the supposition that we are nothing more than thoughtless animals who react to our arousal by wanting to pin down the nearest female so we can ram an erection into them repetitively until we eject our seminal genetic signatures inside of them. Or it's worse, that we know right from wrong and can conceptualize the profoundness of such an act, but see the female as lesser and unworthy of consideration. Our myopic views transcend any ability for empathy we might possess, and nothing else but the physical feeling of release matters to us, not even the rush of sexual potency one might get intoxicated by when serving a source of sexual pleasure for another - not even that. In our pursuit of the feeling of ejaculation, we are either non-possessive of a human comprehension of right or wrong - or we are diabolically evil in our privilege.

Either way, it's misandry at it's worst and slanders all males.

It's a flat out insult that crosses the line. Much has been written about it here on TRP, because it is a means of manipulation that seeks to undermine male efficacy. I think the underlying projections and motives have been discussed, at least, in a manner well enough for me to wrap my head fully around such absurdity.

The more I consider it, the more foolish and ridiculous it is revealed to be - and such things deserve to be mocked openly.

So to exact on my sense of fair play I examined some unwanted behaviors that women commonly exhibit at rates that far exceed males raping females in western society and decided we men need to put forth a memorandum of what things women ought to be taught not to do.

We need to teach girls not to:

MAKE FALSE RAPE ACCUSATIONS - If you have been the unfortunate victim of a rape, by all means contact the police immediately. However, if you have not been raped, but think contacting the police (or other authority like a college for example) and levying a false accusation of rape is a good idea, think otherwise. It is not a good idea, even under the following conditions:

  • Got caught cheating and want to make up an excuse why
  • Got caught enjoying a lascivious act and are ashamed
  • Want revenge on a boy that dumped you
  • Want attention
  • Are jealous of the success of a boy
  • Don't want to pay for a cab ride
  • Want day off work
  • Hate men in general

Really any reason to make a false rape accusation is not a good one. So please learn to not make false rape accusations. It just isn't right. You'll make the world a better place (not to mention sleep better at night).

Make False Domestic Violence Accusations - Angry at your husband or boyfriend and think a night or two in jail (not to mention a permanent public record of arrest) might do him a bit of good the next time he fails to recognize your authoritah? Maybe you want the husband or boyfriend out of the house for the night so you can enjoy the company of a new lover? Don't do it. Going beyond the fact that it is an actual crime to intentionally falsify a criminal complaint, it's wrong and immoral to falsely accuse someone of a crime for your own selfish reasons, especially when that person is someone you've exchanged a commitment of love with. Not cool ladies. You need to be taught how not to do this.

File A Bogus Restraining Order During A Breakup - Own a house or rent an apartment with your boyfriend or husband and want to better deal him for an alpha you got your eye on? Maybe you've decided you need a few more revolutions on the phallic merry-go-round? Maybe the relationship wasn't meant to be and neither of you are really happy... What to do? What to do? I know, I know... Moving is such a hassle. Who really likes moving? And it's worse if you own the house with him. Sharing the equity of the home with someone you no longer give any shit about really sucks. It's just easier to go down to the courthouse and scribble 3 or 4 paragraphs on a piece of paper saying how scared you are, blah, blah blah... And poof! Within 24 hours he's gone and he only gets 15 minutes to pack his shit. I know that sounds really convenient and all, but it really is a bad thing to do - making someone homeless without any notice and steal all their shit. Especially someone you were intimate with, lived with and maybe had children with, lying to make them homeless so you don't have to be inconvenienced is a bad thing to do. There's also that whole falsifying a complaint being an actual crime thing as well. Not good - it just isn't. Don't do it. It's morally wrong. Besides, it makes that Where's Daddy? question easier to answer. Women need to learn how to not file bogus restraining orders.

Exist Financially Off A Man You've Divorced - Hey we all know how much of a score it was to marry the hard-working, successful, financially responsible guy. You had to suck his dick for years to get that platinum credit card. That was a whole mess of time and energy invested to get that Lexus. Nobody is saying that it was easy. However now a few years have rolled on and it's been a long time since you've felt that gina tingle. I know you want that Eat. Pray. Love. experience. I know you think you deserve it. Nobody is saying you can't have it - hey go for it. What we are saying is that it is wrong to do it on someone else's dime. After you've kicked back and coasted through a good portion of your adult years without ever really having to game plan financially for yourself, relying on someone else for financial support, to all of a sudden decide that you're somehow unfulfilled and think going out there and trolling for some new hard pole to stuff in your nethers while making someone else finance that endeavor is a shamefully immoral act. Everyone has a right for their own happiness, but not at the expense of others. If you want a new direction in life, you should be prepared to take on the responsibility of paying for that yourself. When someone else is paying your way through life after you completely shit on them, that makes you an asshole. Women need to be taught how to have pride in being self supportive.

Make False Sexual Harassment/Sexual Discrimination Claims Against Employers - Are you struggling professionally and are considering a false sexual harassment or sexual discrimination claim as a means of getting ahead? Don't do it. It's wrong. It's a bad idea to self counsel yourself into believing you are being discriminated against on the basis of gender. Here's a little hint. We men have it pretty rough at work sometimes too. It's not always fun. Sometimes people are assholes, not because you're a woman, it's just because they're assholes. Sometimes those assholes are your boss. That's life. If it's that unbearable, do what men do. Game plan an exit into a better job. It takes a little time, but overall way better for you professionally. If you're thinking about making a false sexual harassment claim, wow, just not good. You're not just slandering some person, but also a group of people you're claiming to be complicit. These are people just like you trying to get ahead in life and you're trashing their professional reputations just for a payday. They also have wives, sometimes, too. You're scheme has the possibility of putting a marriage on the rocks and estranging children from their fathers. Again, this is all very wrong. Women need to learn how to not make false claims against employers.

Accuse All Men Of Being Rapists - Of course this. This is an act of purposeful immorality, diabolical and not intended to create awareness as claimed, but purposed to create a negative social stigma in general on all men. It's extremely wrong to say all men are rapists. A rapist is a criminally violent sociopath with some heavy conduct disorders. This is an implication that all men are all criminally violent. It is a hurtful, slanderous thing to say about any person, nevermind castigating an entire gender in such an expression. If the words "ALL MEN ARE RAPISTS" come from your mouth, then you are by definition a complete fucking offensive asshole - who needs to go fuck herself. Fuck you. You need to learn to not flitter the accusation of rape around when it suits your political agenda and thus have respect for not just the men who you are falsely accusing of being rapists, but of the who've actually been raped. Nobody likes to see their negative personal experiences trivialized in such a way - especially rape victims. Women need to learn to not leverage society with bullshit rape politics.

These above are the main ones I thought worth expounding upon, below in the bulleted list are the honorable mentions of things girls need to learn not to do:

  • Emotionally manipulate vulnerable males into the friendzone
  • Use men for free dinners in the dating scene
  • Misrepresent their sexual histories to serious suitors
  • Enter doomed marriages to men they don't love as a result of wall panic
  • Be sexually adventuresome in causal encounters, but not in committed relationships to men that love them

And the list can go on...

Feel free to add your own items to the list in the comments section.