Patrice O'Neal - Just Be Honest

The main point Patrice makes in this video is how you should always be honest with your intentions when you talk to a girl, if your intentions are to fuck her then don't hide and run around pretending you don't.

Patrice lays out 2 lessons in life:

  1. Your happiness is more important then hers.

  2. The only way to win is not to play.

Patrice then goes on to talk about how a lot of women sell men on implied future pussy. A caller discusses how he went from a nice guy that all women say they want to following what Patrice has been preaching and how he got much more pussy after.

Patrice then discusses how to deal with a women who says "we aint fucking".

The only reason bitches think there's a lot of guys is because so many guys talk to em,... If i'm a winner, a bitch grabbed me up. So you know every mother fucker that's talking to you got a man. So women think that because every second guys be like "heyyyyy i wanna fuck you" that they have a choice in who they fuck. No you dont, Most of the time a guys talking to you its a guy already talking with a bunch of girls.

I am NOT a Redpiller, i am simply trying to live a righteous life - knowing that every night i goto bed i was honest with myself and I wasn't taken advantage of - and part of that laps over with Redpill. I strongly believe that Patrice O'Neal is the king of living a righteous life and he provides many lessons that Redpillers need to learn about women, relationships and life.