Every guy in the manosphere has probably at some point heard the argument "Women don't owe you anything.", and I agree! They don't!

But why is it, when they become single moms with a kid they can't afford, then we all owe them financial aid? https://withfrank.org/how-to-pay-for-college/financial-aid/financial-assistance-for-single-mothers/

Or if they become homeless/displaced from an abusive relationship, then we owe them federally funded women-only shelters they can go to for a free bed and 3 hot meals a day? You might be thinking "But these are available for men to... right?". Well, there was one available in Canada for men displaced from abusive relationships, but the owner of the shelter was bullied and harassed so much by feminists that he fell into financial ruin and commited suicide: https://womenspost.ca/owner-of-shelter-for-abused-men-and-children-commits-suicide-after-financial-ruin-ridicule/

Or they want to go to college, then we owe them federally backed affirmative action scholarships just for being a woman? Despite 60% of college students (and rising) already being women: https://www.scholarshipsforwomen.net/

Or they want free abortions, free mammograms, free contraceptives, free this, free that? The list of women-only financial aid just goes on and on. They get it all, while men get nothing. https://abortionfunds.org/need-abortion/

So this brings me back to the first point of "Women don't owe you anything.", I fully 100% agree that nobody owes anyone anything in this life. But if that's true, we shouldn't be owing women anything either. Men should not be forced to pay taxes for massive amounts of benefits that only women have access to.

If you do not owe us anything, why should we owe you anything?