Soooooo, Feminism. Dictionary definition: 'the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.' But is it really? It seems like rather than striving for equal rights to men feminists are now doing the opposite, what the men that they hate are apparently doing. Demonizing the other gender and building themselves up, at the expense of the other as well. Well, unfortunately for feminists, Men and women will NEVER be equal. Here's just a couple of the less obscure examples. (These will be stats from North America)
Women vs. Men physically: Average Female upper body strength: 52% of the strength of the average man. Average Female lower body strength: 66% of the strength of the average man.
Weight: Male: 197.9 lbs. Female: 170.6 lbs.
Height: Male: 5 foot 9. Female: 5 foot 4.
- Girls develop right side of brain faster than boys: leads to talking, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading earlier, better memory.
- Boys develop left side faster than girls: visual-spatial-logical skills, perceptual skills, better at math, problem solving, building and figuring out puzzles.
- Girls more interested in toys with faces than boys are; play with stuffed animals and dolls more; boys drawn to blocks or anything that can be manipulated.
- Women use both hemispheres of brain; corpus callosum thicker in women.
- Men are more logical, analytical, rational.
- Women are more intuitive, holistic, creative, integrative.
- Men have a much more difficult time relating to their own feelings, and may feel very threatened by the expression of feelings in their presence. This may cause them to react by withdrawing or attempting to control the situation through a display of control and/or power.
- Men are actually more vulnerable and dependent on relationships than women are and are more devastated by the ending, since they have fewer friends and sources of emotional support.
- Men are more at ease with their own angry feelings than women are.
- Women are in touch with a much wider range of feelings than men, and the intensity of those feelings is usually much greater for women than men. As a result of this, many man perceive that women’s feelings appear to change quickly; men may find this irrational and difficult to understand.
- Men tend to be more functional in approaching problem-solving; women are aesthetically-oriented in addition to being functional.
- Women tend to be much more sensitive to sounds and smells than men are; and women as such tend to place a greater emphasis on “atmosphere”.
- The most frequent complain men have about women: Women are always trying to change them.
- The most frequent complaint women have about men: Men don’t listen.
- Women want empathy, yet men usually offer solutions.
- When a woman tries to change or improve or correct or give advice to a man, men hear that they are being told that they aren’t competent or don’t know how to do something or that they can’t do something on their own.
- Men often feel responsible or to blame for women’s problems.
- Men always assume women want advice and solutions to problems, that that is the best way to be helpful and to show love; women often just want someone to sincerely listen to them.
- Housework: men avoid it, try to get others to do it at all costs, feel demeaned by doing it. For women, cleanliness of house is a manifestation of warm, homey nest. Men and women have different thresholds for cleanliness and dirt.
- Men often try to change a woman’s mood when she is upset by offering solutions to her problems, which she interprets as discounting and invalidating her feelings.
- Women try to change men’s behavior by offering unsolicited advice and criticism and becoming a home-improvement committee.
Alright, these are just a couple of key differences between men and women, not even getting into the vastly different culture. Long story short: Women are more emotional, physically weaker, tend to be more creative and intuitive, whereas men tend to be more logical, stable, and rational. This is why men and women can't be equal. It's because we aren't and never will be. There are men for a reason. There are women for a reason. There. But that's not addressing the bigger issue, which is feminism.
Feminists nowadays aren't shooting for equality. They are shooting for superiority. They do this by playing the victim card, and then attacking and bringing men down. They call them brutes, or stupid, or misogynists simply because they are men and are different. Men have much stronger sex drives than women, so they are therefore brutes. Men find women difficult to understand, since women's emotions are unstable, erratic, and matter to them far more than men, so men are therefore stupid. If men don't agree with the feminists, then they are therefore misogynists. This is the modern feminist narrative. They also bring up rights of women. Just STFU. Women have equal rights now, thanks to some of the better feminists back in the day, when there was a gap in rights between males and females. I'll address the gender pay gap now though. It does not exist. Well, technically it does exist, but not in the way feminists put it. Men get payed more than women on average. The reason why is:
-Men take far riskier jobs than women (Risky jobs tend to be higher paying)
-Men tend to be more consistent workers and are promoted more often since they don't usually take breaks or quit their jobs to be a housewife or have kids like women do
-Men work on average 2 hours longer than women in an average workweek, hence forming a gap with their occupations, consistency, and time spent in work, causing them to make more money.
This puts a bit of a plug in the feminist narrative, and now since I've gotten rights out of the way, lets move on to how modern feminists tend to be. They aren't shooting for equality anymore. They are shooting for superiority. Rather than trying to be equals they are just degrading and demonizing men, and oh boy do they have a lot of platforms to use. Pretty much every major news network except maybe fox and some conservative networks, All over social media (oh yeah feminists love it there) and pretty much every media app. They spend their time crying about how they are so undervalued and how they are superior to men and should play the same role as them, even though we are so vastly different. And, news flash, men don't need to be told when they're in the wrong a whole lot, considering men tend to take responsibility if they upset a woman or if there is something wrong. Also, men naturally want to protect women. That's what they are designed to do, and that's how men should use their superior physical capabilities, while women are far better at raising children and being homemakers. If you look at any of this writing above you it should be pretty obvious that men and women have their own distinct attributes and roles, and trying to disrupt or substitute them is simply stupid. For us men, we should speak up more and be less docile about OUR rights and for feminists, you should reflect on why you are one, and what it'll do for the world. (Feel free to add on to the thread or debate/argue with me if you'd like)
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