Excellent articles (article about old women being attractive & Gillete Ad) by the lead of the UKs first ever male psychology module - shows her insight/approach: if only gender studies was taught properly like this & not as a fake feminists pseudo subject, it could have been interesting subject

26 points9 commentssubmitted by mhandanna to r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates

Regardless of whether you agree or not with her conclusions,, look at how she deals with this phenomenon (older women, older men - finding them attractive etc):


she employs a rational approach to try and explain a a phenomenon.

A feminist in gender studies, however, would have explained the same phenomenon differently. They ALREADY have the conclusion in mind first and then fit the evidence (eg women do this, men do that, have you notice how women wear this make up etc).

Feminism has one hammer and one hammer alone (patriarchy)... it sees nails everywhere... it would explain the exact same pheonmenan this professor did as:

  1. Patriarchy
  2. Patriarchy
  3. Patriarchy
  4. Patriarchy
  5. Toxic masculinity
  6. Rape culture
  7. Patriarchy

Here is another article by her worth a read about masculinity, toxic masculinity, Gillette ad and so on:


