ok, so im trying to understand the feminism hate and is looking for a civil debate here.
(please read the entire thing before responding)
Quote for you to think:
"50.8 % of women and 49.2 % of male in america, and you dont think its weird that there has not been a female president or the fact that most politician are male. How can a women's perspective and needs be understood by a old white man."
So let me prop my points for feminism and you guys can dissect it however you like:(mods, this is meant forunderstanding this sub POV, so it shouldnt collide with rule 6)
First tho, disclaimer:
- when I refer to feminism, i am refering to the official definition
" Feminism is a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes "
Notice how the official definition doesnt mention increasing benefit of female but is instead "social equality of the sexes"
- media protrayel of any social movement has always been targetting the most radicalising of the group, in the case of feminism for example, they always pick those radical feminist that in reality only refer to like 5-8% of the entire feminist movement.
With that out of the way. let me get straight to my point(only doing one point since more than one, it will be too confusing)
- we live in a society where gender role (a social construct) is enforced- one of the major fighting point for feminist has always been to bring awareness to the archaic gender role that plagued our society (which actually co allign with a lot of yall points if you actually try to understand it)
male gender role/ stereotype:
-man shouldnt show emotion
-man shouldnt show any weakness (devalue the male experience of any negative experience since it make you seem weak and garner mockery by others)
-man is stronger than women (so when a women triumph over a man (misandry, sexual assault and etc, the fault is blamed on men for not being strong enough))
- men cannot do anything remotely associate with feminine attribute without being mocked (nail polish, long hair )
-being called girly is a insult while being called masculine is a compliment (while the opposite doesnt hold true for female, female are being called girly as a insult too and tomboy are acceptable and praised)
female gender role/ stereotype:
- being overly sexualised (the modern perfect aesthetic of a male is achieved through working out, getting abs , pecs bicep etc while the modern perfect aesthetic of a female is achieved through genetic, women have no control over having big tits or a big ass, yet they are being called a slut for a genetic trait they cant control )
- Women need to be submissive and cannot achieve happyness alone (side eye glance at the nuclear family proposed in the 50s and a bunch of movies in the 70s-90s with plot of a strong female women(usually CEO, only able to find happiness for herself when in the ending, they gave up their job to be a housewife for their man, those movie were literally played in theaters 20 years ago)
-cat call culture (might be due to being in a patriarchal society, im not really sure bout this one): Still to this date, almost 70-80% of women has experienced being catcalled.
Heres a guide on how to interact with women if you think you cant talk to women becuz feminist:
its catcalling when you
-allude to wanting to have sex with a girl (this is obvious)
-praising their body shape (literal genetic, why should women be sexualised just for getting big tits)
-persistantly pester female
-get agrresive when a girl doesnt give you their phone number (my friend literally got thrown a brick by a guy for not giving a guy her phone number)
Its not catcalling when you:
-strike up a conversation about something they gave an effort to (their clothing choice, makeup hairstyle etc)
-dont talk to women with the goal of having sex witht them (they can tell), literally treat her like how you would talk to other guys friends you have with same interest and you are fine(its not rocket science)
-yes, most women would be defensive around men because of negative experience they have with catcalling, (its not your fault, but you need to understand women literally dont walk alone at night because of catcalling guys), but, its super obvious to them that you are different if you dont comment about wanting to frick her that you are not those guys
And now for a bunch of obligatory stats that doesnt invalidate negative male experience, but highlight why feminism is still needed in todays society, also some notes
-no area in male bathroom for guys to take care of baby from , making it hard for single father to take care of child (yes , this is a feminist issue because nurturing the baby has always been a ''women's job', go to the single father sub reddit if you want to learn more)
-there is still a disapprotionate amount of sexual assault and roofie cases by guys (something about toxic masculinity and women are suppose to be submissive is the major contributing factor)
-when women refer to them being underpaid, its usually not the employer intention to underpay them, but the stereotype perpectuated that influence the employer behavior(the stereotype that girls are more gifted in artistic subject ,they are going to leave the company for their baby anyway, no use in investing in them, women cant work harder than guys )<-- literally all of these can be proven to have no biological basis with one click of your googleor ddg or bing
-50.8 % of women and 49.2 % of male in america, and you dont think its weird that there has not been a female president or the fact that most politician are female. How can a women's perspective and needs be understood by a old white man?
In conclusion, although its a very romantic idea to believe in that both men and women have equal oppurtunity to suceed in society, thats simply not the case when the system is designed against them from the start. A almost 50 50 split of male and female yet the top 5 richest has always been a male.
PS: a very good gateway to actually understand these issue from a objective view is the key phrase of "societal construct", at least that's what really help me gain a perspective on the situation.
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