Misandry: the pyramid of hate.

56 points20 commentssubmitted by OkLetterhead10left-wing male advocate to r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates

According to the pyramid of hate produced by the Anti Defamation League hatred grow slowly like a snowball from biased attitudes to acts of bias, discrimination, bias motivated violence and lastly the fifth step which is genocide. when one step become normilized in a society the next step will appear less extreme and start slowly to become normal. to fight misandry we need to learn the different steps, and start fighting the first step. because when biased attitudes toward men and boys is stigmatized no one will jump to the next step or else they will receive a backlash..

Biased attitudes:

Sterotyping, insensitive remarks, fear of differences, non-inclusive language, microaggressions, justifying biases by seeking out like-minded people, accepting negative or misinformation/screening out positive information.

Examples: slogans like "end the violence against women" and "there is no excuse for violence against women", respect women, trust women, the exclusion of men's rights advocates or anyone who is sympathetic to men's rights even if they are not MRA, the belief that traditional gender roles/sexism are enforced only by men, spreading statistics on rape from studies that exclude male rape victims and define rape as "penetration", recently a study showed that women do better under a male mentor was retracted after the journal received a backlash from activists etc etc ..

Acts of bias:

Bullying, ridicule, name-calling, slurs/epithets, social avoidance, dehumanization, biased/belittling jokes.

Examples: gendered slurs like manspreading, manterrupting, incel. hashtags like "men are trash" and "male tears" , when LGBT org in UK university wanted to create gay man representative the student union discouraged them saying "gay men are more likely to be racist, sexist and transphobic" without any study to backup their claims.

Because we can't look at you and know whether or not you're a rapist, we must assume that all men are rapists... And that's why men should assume their collective responsibility. All men. Linda Snecker Member of Parliament and legal policy spokesperson for the Swedish Left Party

I feel that man-hating is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them. Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor

Rape is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear. Susan Brownmiller, Against Our Will p.6

When a woman reaches orgasm with a man she is only collaborating with the patriarchal system, eroticizing her own oppression. Sheila Jeffreys


Economic, political, educational, employment, housing discrimination. segregation and criminal justice disparities.

Examples: in a lot of countries women-owned businesses get tax breaks, loans, quota in government contracts etc .. most scholarships are for women despite the fact that they are a majority in college, boys get lower grade for the same work. in Algeria for example men get a government funded room if he live over 50 km from the campus but women only over 30 km. women only subways/parking, women only spaces are allowed but not men only spaces. men get 63% more prison time and are more likely to go to prison etc etc ...

Bias motivated violence:

Murder, rape, assault, arson, terrorism, vandalism, desecration, threats

Examples: The first International Conference on Men's Issues received threats they had to change the hotel, the dog of Erin Pizzey was killed by radical feminists for saying that domestic violence has no gender, dr richard gelles conferences and Suzanne Steinmetz daughter wedding received bomb threats for the same thing (read thispost) etc etc ..


The act or intent to delibratly and systematiclly anniliate an entire people

Examples: For now there is no example of large scale genocide against men , but i guess we can count the fact that the UN give food for women and children only and ignore men during natural disasters as "passive genocide" ..