Pushing the belief that LGBT people and women are on the same side

81 points32 commentssubmitted by nocturnefox to r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates

Lately I've seen a lot of suggestion women and LGBT people face discrimination and men are the primary cause. This recent article for example: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/11/21/marina-diamandis-discrimination-women-lgbt-mans-world-straight-men-new-song/

It annoys me that not only is it suggesting women in first world countries have faced discrimination and violence on the same level as the LGBT community has but that women never hold power over LGBT people, discriminate against them, or even harm them and it's only or mostly men committing these acts. Even if they word it as mostly men they're still ignoring the experiences of every LGBT person who has been treated poorly just as often or more by women or got support from a male friend, acquaintance or family member.

I've seen plenty of women be homophobic even some who are liberal and publicly or outwardly support LGBT people. Telling young and/or vulnerable members of LGBT that women are more accepting seems like a dangerous belief to teach from the things I've seen. Trying to pit LGBT people against men also seems like a dangerous belief to push on someone on whose only support may come from someone who happens to be male. You could very well be pushing them away from their only support. That doesn't seem like a very healthy or rational outlook to spread from someone who claims to support the LGBT community.

On top of that approximately half of LGBT people are male. It seems like you're telling them they're part of the problem because they're male. No matter how you meant it this is very likely damaging to someone especially if they're already in a vulnerable situation.

Has anyone else here come across articles or posts making this claim and been annoyed how it's being unnecessarily made into a gender issue when it really isn't? Pushing that belief is not helping anyone and is very out of touch with reality.