Crosspost "I think being intimidating is a good thing." from /r/FemaleDatingStrategy:
Once an ex got drunk and told me that he finds me intimidating so he has to be careful around me. When things didn't work out between us, I noticed that even tho he was a LVM, he never disrespected me.
At work, a colleague told me that I give off an intimidating energy. And I also noticed that colleagues are very careful around me, and therefore never disrespected me.
The thing is, I like being intimidating and I always take it as a compliment.
I would like to get your thoughts on this, cause I feel like I'm on to something here. I think that men need to be a little bit intimidated for them to behave and not disrespect you. Does it apply to HVM too?
Posted by cat_lio | 6 November 2021 |
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