I pay $500 in child support a month, 70% of out of pocket expenses, one kid, 50/50 custody. Get along cordially with the ex. Love my kid to pieces, would do anything for him. All in all, financially I know I've made it out better than some.

Here's the huge "BUT" - knowingly paying for my exes addictions and/or habits every month just RUBS ME THE WRONG WAY. She has a job that pays more than enough for her and child to live, she's living free at her parents house, smokes pot with her boyfriend half the week, and hands down pisses away her money on shopping, drinking and eating out then complains that she doesn't have enough money to support herself and child half the week.

Sending her that money is the hardest thing I do every month and it's not because I don't love my kid, I would HAPPILY put away $500 / Month into a college/investment fund. I would happily buy him anything that he needed. The whole child support thing just makes me feel so bitter and angry at my ex and I can't help but see her as a disgusting leech.

I've tried really hard to reconcile this - to focus on it being for the kid, to hope and think about some portion of that money probably goes to actually feeding my son while he's at her house. Just can't escape this feeling and this anger. And, it just pisses me off thinking about how she cried and cried and emotionally manipulated me because she was scared she couldn't support her and my son during the divorce process and begged for more money.

UGH, I'm sorry for the rant, just needing someone to listen today. Getting divorced was the best decision and I suppose I just need to live with this consequence.

If anyone has any advice on how to deal with this or getting over the financial aspect of it, I am all ears.