So I'm in the process of wrapping up my divorce and I feel like I'm truly ready to date. 7 months out from separation, initiated by her cheating on me with some gross POS. We were together since high school, and I realized I was not ready to date up until now. I had self esteem issues due to getting obese but I've lost a shit ton of weight (125 lbs), dressing well, getting my overall look better, and I'm more confident.
I know for a fact I'm not ugly, my ex wife was a solid 7/8 out of 10 for years until we both let ourselves go. I tried OLD, got a decent amount of matches, most were women I would never date, either land whales or decent/good looking women with obvious issues.
I'm rusty as hell at flirting, and the landscape has changed. I absolutely despise OLD, but I want to organically date. Got some ideas, but to those who got tired of OLD and found a good girlfriend/wife, I'd like to know how you did it. Any ideas is appreciated.
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