UK. She just left the home after a 2 month cohabiting separation. Last Friday she left with the kids (son 4 and daughter 2), and I picked them up again last night, so they are in my home as I write this (meaning they have been in her sole custody the last two days.)

I should be clear that no formal allegations have been made yet, but I see clear foundations being laid.

Today my son (4) told my mother that daddy hurts him, and he 'needs to go to the offices' (what kind of kid talks like that?).

When I was playing with him tonight, he picked up a toy phone and pretended to call the police to take me to jail for 'doing naughty things to him'.

During marriage, my ex displayed her cruel and vindictive nature many times, and it has only ramped up since the separation. I believe wholeheartedly that she is capable of making this disgusting allegation to hurt me and keep the kids from me.

Of course, I am going to seek immediate legal advice. However, I just want to hear about similar experiences; particularly abused allegations towards the children, and UK based would also be helpful.

If this escalates, what is likely to happen? And what can I do immediately, other than engage legal counsel, to get ahead of this nightmare?

PS: Will it be taken into consideration that she stayed in the same house with with, and kept her children in the same house as, an allegedly abusive father for 2 months post separation?

And that she allowed the children back into the custody of an allegedly abusive father?

These actions don't line up with the allegations.