Crosspost "Struggling to cope alone, any online support groups for divorcing men out there...?" from /r/Divorce:
Yello all
Currently going through a divorce with a 2yo; am stuck alone in a foreign country, pretty much trapped.
This is my original post.
My (ex?) wife is being incredibly difficult and unreasonable, wanting me to support her with an exorbitant amount of money until the baby gets used to nursery which, she claims, will be at least 9 months...
We are looking to agree on a 50-50 schedule but she wants me to keep supporting her until baby goes to nursery full time and she finds a job. I suggested helping her for 6 months but apparently that's not going to be enough...
Further, she wants to be able to see the child whenever she wants during the time he's supposed to be with me.
It's like she doesn't understand or accept what the divorce means- an end to a relationship, an end to us and a beginning of her seeing her child 50% of the time...
Not to mention she's making wild claims around the child being with me on 24 Dec and her on 25 Dec given the fact that I'd like to take him back home to a different country...can't teleport yet!!!
It's awesome that I get to see my child every day (which is what some men on here would kill for) but I find it tremendously difficult to keep dealing with a delusional and unreasonable person on a daily basis, including seeing her and having to interact with her in person, every day.
Am in a foreign country without knowing the language, working a fully remote job, not being able to socialise much or meet anyone at the moment as i work 8-5 and then stay with baby until 8:30pm.
Want to sort everything out through mutual agreement and outside of court but, at this point, don't see this happening.
Just feel like drowning and sinking deeper and deeper by the day...
Are there any online meetups that I can attend? Anyone I can speak to? Seeing a therapist atm but am sure that speaking to people who have gone through this will help me out...
Thank you and apologies for the long and somewhat nonsensical post...while I know this is temporary, the overwhelming feeling of betrayal and abandonment is truly a tough pill to swallow...Sometimes, I find it difficult to get out of bed but I have a job that I need to keep so that I can support myself, her and the child...just want to go full offline for a month...
Posted by LokiLLB | 4 October 2022 |
[–]michaelrhodes1977 3 points4 points5 points (12 children) | Copy Link
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[–]DivorceCoachMarcin 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link