1 1/2 years post divorce and its back to court again. For money, it's always for money. Things I've learned through this process.

1 Get a lawyer. A divorce lawyer. Who has done this as a career. Not a friend of the family, not some cousin a 100% divorce lawyer. Get your own. Find and pay the money. This is the single most important thing you can do.

2 Do not be vague about anything. The court says you have to provide her health insurance? Make sure that's the current plan that she's on already and if your company won't cover her then she needs to get her own. She has a certain date to get everything out of the house? Specify that changes if she say, gets a restraining order on you. Joint debts? Itemized and specified in separation agreements. Split the equity? How exactly? Appraisals, how many? Who pays for them. Any ambiguity can come back and bite you in the ass.

3 Read her financial statement. All of it. Think she's hiding money? Say so. Tell them you think the statement is false.

Your lawyer should detail everything. It's confusing, it's exhausting and in your state not something you want to do. You know what else you don't want to do? Go back to court over and over again over some bullshit.