I saw a news story recently where coyotes came to attack a flock of sheep in the middle of the night. The sheepdog fought them off and killed 8 of them over the course of about 30 minute battle. He then went into the woods for 2 days. His owners and the neighbors looked everywhere for him, not sure if he was alive and hurt, or dead. On the second day he showed back at home, severely injured. He has had many surgeries and is doing ok now, but his scars will always be there.

But one thing stuck out to me, he went alone into the woods to heal for 2 days. I have been in a long struggle with my coyotes. She has relentlessly attacked me, mocked me, and taunted me. And there are some times during this battle where I just need to stay inside and watch movie or nap to heal. I might come out of this, but I will be permanently scarred. But I also am not hard on myself for taking some time out alone in “the woods” to heal just enough to fight back.