Hello All,

First, I am sorry that you are here. To get here required a sea change in your life, some fundamental shift in your life and relationship. It might be your fault, it might not. Either way you're here seeking help and perhaps hope.

December is hard. If you have children there may be arguments over where they will spend the day or weekend. Your extended family has been diminished. You may feel alone, adrift, confused and sad. This is a tumultuous time and a season that is supposed to be filled with joy and happiness has become something else. Temporarily. Believe me, temporarily.

I found out about my wifes first infidelity in Dec of 2015. She strayed twice more until we finally called it quits. My first Christmas alone was misery. I was struggling with the idea that I was either incredibly loyal or incredibly stupid. In the end it was a little bit of both. As a man who loved to decorate for Christmas, to have a large family gathering, to feast and watch movies it was heartbreaking to be alone.

I was everything a newly divorced man is expected to be. I was where you may be right now. So let me be clear to you, it gets better. I promise you it gets better.

A couple of years in I've learned from my mistakes, I've started new relationships and created a new "family" I surround myself with. I have a girlfriend who loves me and friends who are loyal. You will too. I swear it. You will be o.k.

If you haven't started therapy, please do. Talk to a professional. I also cannot stress this enough. Do not try to harm yourself. Talk to someone if you feel that way. Reach out to me directly if you need an ear.

This is the number to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255 Call it if you feel the need.

There are people who love you and you DESERVE love.

You DESERVE respect.

I hope you do well.