(cut and pasted from Left-Wing Male Advocates)

Fair warning, I'm going to be ranting and venting in this post. I have to after how pissed I got seeing this book at work earlier, reading it's premise and also checking the author's afterward. I came this close to an epic swearing fit and ripping the book to pieces. Why? Well, read on...

At work today, I took notice to a book on display in the Sci-Fi section called Curfew. What made me notice? The tagling on the front, which is "It was supposed to keep women safe." Reading the premise on the back (and I should note the back also describes the book as being like The Handmaid's Tale but with women in charge; let that sink in), it concerns a female-dominated government in which all male civilians are electronically tagged and required to be curfewed to prevent violence against women and it mentions how women can now safely go about their lives and routine not being in fear. The usual feminist BS about how women are in fear of their lives and safety every time they go outside and as usual, ignoring the fact men are also at risk and actually comprise the majority of violent crime victims including homicide, and many women are also violent against men. As usual, men's safety and well-being not mattering. Oh, but it gets worse when we get to the author's afterward.

In the afterward, the author though not quite endorsing an anti-male curfew she makes her stance pretty clear and obvious that she does. She goes on with the usual feminist garbage about how there's an epidemic of male violence against women, how domestic abuse cases are overwhelmingly perpetrated by men against women and men commit higher levels of assaults against women. As usual failing to acknowledge many men are also victims of female violence and instances of female on male violence are vastly underreported due to many male victims afraid to come forward and also very few abuse shelters that help them. But the kicker? She had the nerve to accuse people using the hashtag of #NAMALT (Not All Men Are Like That) in response to the male-bashing of deflecting the issue and that it was basically blaming women instead of viewing men as the problem. She even had the double nerve to say if women used the #EMALT (Enough Men Are Like That) hashtag if it would offend men. What a lot of damn nerve she has! It's bad enough she demonizes men as a whole and fails to acknowledge male victims of female violence, but she's going to employ this nonsense as well?

I got so angry reading this to the point I came incredibly close to shredding the book to pieces and having a swearing fit. I'm so sick and tired of the misandry and anti-male bashing and fear-mongering that's become so widespread and socially acceptable and ingrained over the past half-decade or so. Both men and women are violent to one another and do horrible things to one another. Rape, sexual harassment/assault, abuse, murder, etc. men and women do these things to one another in comparable numbers, and female instances of violence against men are much higher to believed or reported, but as usual this author is irresponsibly downplaying and warping that to fit her feminist narrative. I'm so fed up with this. The book apparently also raises the issue if curfewing all men would bring crime rates down, and we all know that's a load of BS because plenty of women also commit crimes and at comparable rates, and men being curfewed would be a disaster for military, law enforcement, first responders, etc. since those occupations are overwhelmingly male and men in these occupations being curfewed would see a tremendous spike in crime and violent incidents.

This is exactly the same kind of BS white supremacists pull with how they demonize non-white people and ignore the fact plenty of terrible white people also exist, and their delusional nonsense about how an all-white nation would be free of crime when that would definitely not be the case. Feminists show time and time again with this sort of thinking that they're absolutely no different from the likes of white supremacists and no better, at all.

This author and the publisher of the book should be boycotted. They're promoting blatant sexism and fear against men with this and exploiting female victims to enforce their disgusting, hateful agenda. This garbage is in the same category as hateful propaganda like The Turner Diaries. I know I rant about this sort of thing a lot here, but I'm so pissed right now as I type this after seeing this book, reading the premise on the book and the author's afterward. I can only imagine the uproar there'd be if a male author wrote a book with this premise with the genders reversed and the backlash he'd (rightfully) get. Cowie deserves the same backlash and scorn.

As always, I'm immensely grateful this sub exists and I'm sure you all feel exactly the way I do about this damn book. Enough with bashing and hating men and women alike, this is nothing but hateful propaganda meant to incite fear and hatred of men.