It's so annoying and tiresome to hear this, and especially when you bring up issues that affect men that have largely gone unnoticed or unhelped, and that misandry isn't recognized or condemned enough. You get the usual misandrist retort of "But misandry isn't systematic like misogyny is and men have never experienced what women have." It's just another way of deflecting from male issues and ignoring the fact men and boys also have struggles and disadvantages. They'll even have the nerve to say misandry doesn't exist. Misogyny and misandry both exist and both are as bad as each other. I fail to see how misogyny is systematic considering the numerous disadvantages men and boys face. Like how badly male students do in schools, the lack of shelters to help abused men, the failure to still acknowledge men being victims of domestic abuse and also things like rape, sexual assault/harassment, etc. and of course "Believe all women" which totally does away with due process and has seen numerous innocent men imprisoned or even killed over being falsely accused. And of course the fact it's only men who still have to register for conscription and can face legal repercussions for not doing so. And who can forget the incredibly discriminatory Gillette ad or the "educate your son" meme. Some systematic misogyny :/

Men and women both face struggles and hardships, and women definitely didn't have it so easy so long ago. But it's beyond tiresome to hear about misogyny being systematic and men not experiencing the same prejudices and hardships because it's supposedly not systematic. This is just another way rabid feminists like to deflect and detract from male issues ever being addressed or taken seriously. I definitely don't believe misogyny is systematic and while it exists, a lot of the times it's misused for misandrists to claim victimhood and deflect from issues affecting men and boys.