It may not be the love of you; or the love of another, but is a love of something.

Thus every action can be put in two categories genuine love and distorted love.

Genuine love is about building up distorted love is about building one down while the other is being built up.

Thus when you are hurt the fastest move through the pain is not expressing and feeling hurt to the point of trauma or getting Justice vengeance it’s about understanding.

It’s about asking where is the source of love for there lies the first step in healing.

I’m currently undergoing a separation in which I lost access to my four kids.

Did I get angry; vengeful, rageful? Certainly.

Did the people I got into the above emotions know about it? No not fully.

Because after I felt the emotions and moved through them but did nothing I said to myself where is the love.

Today I just got access back was invited to Christmas dinner with my ex and we had one of the best conversations we had in ages all because we both asked where is the love which also led us to where is the fear. For the minute love exists fear of loss of love exists.

And that is a lesson for tomorrow.