Hello I just joined this group

Let me preface this by saying I am NOT a feminist. I am just a 25 year old male who lives with the crippling after effects from decades of abuse from a man who the red pill men would defend.

My journey into and out of the red pill movement started about 6-7 years ago. I was a venerable young man who grew up being abused sexually by my father. My dad everything to terrorize my mom, sister and me which included stalking and threats to kidnap me. I didn't have words to describe what I went through because even though I put up every red flag (i.e isolation, general anger, and my dad abusing me in public) community which was supposedly biased against men turned a blind eye and did nothing. As a result I started taking on his sexist thinking in order to survive at first. However because I was a venerable young man I was easily manipulated into buying into their bullshit. I used to believe things like most woman lied about rape and domestic violence. I frequented websites that only served to confirm the red pill delusions that society was biased against men. However as I went deeper and deeper into the movement I began to realize that my reality was not matching with what they called "the truth". I began to think for myself. I began to realize that the red pill movement was a lie. I also started to realize that what I went through was domestic violence and sexual abuse. And if I continued to believe that most allegation were a lie, I was only denying the real truth. After being exposed to the truth and reading opposing views I woke up. I finally could name what I went through and own it. I soon realized that these red pilled men only lived in a self created delusion. These guys keep male and female victims from coming out by victim blaming and harrasment. Just look at the comment section of any red pill video on YouTube that covers rape and you will see why victims cant come forward. They don't know how hard it is to come forward as a domestic/sexual violence so they deny it even happens. Now every time I see their videos I am reminded of my dad because most of those guys (ex. the disgusting rat Paul Elam) remind me of my dad. This movement is dangerous to society and needs to be stopped.